the town of Acapetahua is located in the Municipality of Acapetahua (in the State ofChiapas). It has 5375 inhabitants. Acapetahua is 30 meters.
Acapetahua is located in the Pacific Coastal Plain, predominantly flat relief, its geographical coordinates are 15 ° 17 'N and 92 º 41' W.
The climate is hot and humid with rain all year. The forest vegetation is high. The main rivers are the Cintalapa, Dona Maria, Cacaluta Ulapa, and Juilapa Chalacaand estuaries along the coast. The municipality comprises of two protected areas: Zone-Sesecapa Huizapa Reforestation and biosphere reserve "Crossroads".
Acapetahua is one of the 118 municipalities in the Mexican state of Chiapas, its name comes from the Nahuatl and is interpreted as "Those who have CarrizoBackpacks." It is located south of the state, has an area of 358.3 km ². According to the II Population and Housing 2005, the municipality has 24.165 inhabitants and the sector are mainly engaged primario.1
Acapetahua is located in the southern state of Chiapas, between coordinates 15 º17 'north latitude and 92 º 41' west longitude, at a height of 30 meters above sea level. The municipality is bordered on the north by the municipalities of EscuintlaAcacoyagua and the east by the municipality of Villa Comaltitlan, on the southPacific Ocean, and west by Mapastepec
Acapetahua is located in the Municipality Acapetahua of Chiapas in Mexico and the GPS coordinates:
Longitude (dec): -92.690278
Latitude (dec): 15.281389
The town is at a medium height of 30 meters above sea level.
Ver mapa más grande
Estación Ferrocarril en Acapetahua, Chiapas

Camí de Tapachula-Méxic.

Cerro Ovando desde Cintalapa, Chis

Tarde en Teziutlán , Mpio de Acapetahua

Palma africana (oil palm - Elaeis guineensis) en El Arenal, Acapetahua

Camino al Embarcadero Las Lauras

carretera a Acapetahua

Las nubes rodean Cerro Ovando

un relicto solitario de la selva en medio del campo

Estación Colombia, Mpio Acapetahua, Chiapas

Estaca de Spondias mombin (jobo, ciruela) retoñando, con fruto

paraíso tropical.

Huerta colorida

km 228 carretera federal 200

Acacoyagua zocalo Oct/2004


Caudal alto en el Río Cintalapa, Acapetahua, Chis; mirando hacía el sur.

Quien es el artista?

Puente del Ferrocarril sobre el Río Doña María

Ferrocarril en la estación Acapetahua, 2011

Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners
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