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Amatan (in the State of Chiapas)

Amatán, Chiapas

Amatan Township is located in the northern mountains which explains its mountainous terrain, its geographical coordinates are 17 ° 22 'N and 92 º 49' W.

the town of Amatan is located in the municipality of Amatan (in the State of Chiapas).It has 3465 inhabitants. Amato is 800 meters
Villa Luz, Tapijulapa


cascada en Tapijulapa

Oxolotán, Tabasco

Mi escuela

Casa de descanso Tomas Garrido Canabal



Villa Luz, Tabasco

Arroyo Chispa, Villa Luz 2

calle en Tapijulapa

Nada como la comida típica de la zona a la orilla del río Almandro en Tapijulapa, Tabasco.


Puente Colgante, Tapijulapa

Calles De Tapijulapa

Parque Tapijulapa Tabasco

Río Oxolotán

Tapijulapa desde rio Oxolotan

puente de Oxolotan Tabasco


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