Coquimatlán (in the State of Colima). It has 11,374 habitants. Coquimatlán is at 320 meters.
Coquimatlán is a town in the state of Colima, is located 10 km from the city ofColima, occupies the center of the territory of the state, bounded on the north withVilla de Alvarez, Armory and Tecomán South, east of Colima, Manzanillo west and northwest with Minatitlan.
Coquimatlán occupies the center of the territory of the state, within the coordinates19 º 03 'to 19 º 18' north latitude and 103 º 48 'to 104 ° 06' west longitude, with a maximum height of 400 and minimum of 230 meters above the Tues Bordered on the north by the municipality of Villa de Alvarez, south with the municipalities ofTecoman and Armory, on the east by the municipality of Colima, west to thenorthwest of Manzanillo and the municipality of Minatitlan. The distance to the state capital is nine miles
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Villa de Álvarez

Palacio Federal Colima


La Campana

Rey Coliman

Bello ejemplar joven del Arbol de la Vida Moringa origen La India (Moringa oleifera) Colima, Col. México

river near madrid colima

San Francisco

La Rivera Lega inmobiliaria

Quiosco Colima

La Piedra Lisa

Rio colima, muy limpio por cierto

Jardin detras de la catedral

Vista del Volcán de Colima desde la capital

Monumento a los perritos, carretera a Comala

Precioso huanacaxtle (o parota)

Colima volcano (Fuego & Nevado) desde / from Hotel Flamingo

easter at the river in madrid colima

Edificio Telmex, Colima, Mexico

Jardín Núñez

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