The municipality is located within the boundaries of the Central Plateau and Mountains of the East, their coordinates are 16 ° 44 'N and 92 ° 02' W, at an altitude of 1.810 m and their boundaries are the north and east Ocosingo, Las Margaritas on the south and west by Oxchuc and Chanal.
Its climate is warm damp with rain all year, with an average temperature at the top of20 ° C.
the town of Altamirano is located in the municipality of Altamirano (in the State ofChiapas). It has 8030 inhabitants. Altamirano is 1254 meters above sea level.
Water Fall

cerros rumbo a Palenque


Zapata vive??, Chiapas, México

Cara maya

Mural Zapatista

camino de terracería

Vista al poniente de la cañada

Casa de hormigas, en la orilla de la carretera

Vista al rio Tzaconejá

Recorrido por la carretera Chanal a Las Margaritas

Ranchito en la Cañada

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