Calkiní is located in the municipality Calkiní in the state of Campeche in the
coordinates latitude 20.373889 and longitude -90.052222 with a
medium height of 15 meters above sea level
Calkini is one of 11 municipalities in the state of
Campeche, Mexico.
The name of this town comes from the Mayan words lime
(throat), kin (sun) and the suffix "i" in Spanish equivalent to the
proposition, ie the Sun Calkini means Throat
Hispanic architecture
Can-Mayab-Mul. It is an archaeological site consists of 4 structures
around a large square, which have a height
approximately 25 meters. There are also other buildings
small, which shows part of the structure of a building
maya. It is located in the town of Nunkini.
Ex Hacienda San Antonio Chunhua. It was built in 1910 based on
stone quarry. Currently there is only the hull of the exhacienda,
construction parts have been arranged for housing
in rudimentary form.
Ex Hacienda Santa Cruz. Data from 1860, its construction was based
stone, brick and wood. It was a henequen hacienda, excel
Capilla del Santo Cristo del Amor, which works by the
Franciscan friars.
The Church of the Conception, has been in the town of San Antonio
Sacabchén. It is a building built in 1906, with stone,
wood and bricks.
The Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe eighteenth century and
located in the town of Becal.
Calkiní City, located north of the state of Campeche, Mexico
Ver mapa más grande
Iglesia de Becal

Iglesia de Dzitbalché

Iglesia de Calkini

Autopista Campeche-Mérida

Arco Maya por la noche


Hermosa Parroquia de San Diego de Alcalá en Nunkiní, Campeche

Edificio A


Capilla de la Santa Cruz

Hospital de Calkiní

Escuela Secundaria Técnica No. 3

Campo de béisbol

El Cacahuate

Capilla de San Feliciano

San José


Iglesia de Calkini, Campeche.

La Luz del Mundo | Calkiní

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