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Martinez de la Torre is a town and municipality located in the Mexican state of Veracruz

martinez de la torre veracruz

Martinez de la Torre is a town and municipality located in the Mexican state of Veracruz, in the region of Nautla, east of Mexico. It limits the north with the municipality of Tecolutla, east with the municipalities of San Rafael Misantlaand south with the municipalities of Atzalan and Misantla and west by the municipality of Tlapacoyan and the state of Puebla. The header of the same name, is a city of 76.433 inhabitants (no quotes).

The name of the county attorney should teziuteco Rafael Martinez de la Torre,who facilitated by the donation of land owned by the legal estate which was thecounty seat of this county and the San Rafael City has some of the major sugar mills in the state.

According to the Census of Population and Housing INEGI 2005, themunicipality's total population is 97.768 inhabitants and by 2010 is expected toexceed 100,000, some of its most important towns are Independencia and Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

Located in the Upstate, at coordinates 20 ° 04 'north latitude and 97 ° 04' west longitude at an altitude of 151 meters above sea level. Tecolutla bordered on the north, east and Misantla Nautla at Atzalan and Tlapacoyan south, west to the state of Puebla and Papantla. Its distance north of the state capital, by roadis 150 km

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