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Lambityeco is an archaeological site located about 25 km southeast of the city of Oaxaca.


Lambityeco means "Lambi" Zapotec is a corruption of the word "still" which surely refers to the ovens where salted boiling water, "pityec" means mound in Zapotec. Zapotec Lambityeco then translates to as "piles of still."

The few remains found indicate that the occupation of Lambityeco was between 600 BC at 800 D.C. It had its peak between 700 and 750 d. C., coinciding with the gradual abandonment of Monte Alban. For its production of salt in those days was considered a major city in the Zapotec market.

The buildings are at the edge of the road, which until now has explored in this archeological area. This is only a small part of what was this large settlement covering approximately 63.75 hectares. There are also more than 200 mounds, not counting those who came under the modern town of Tlacolula.

The remains of houses and palaces explored are a fraction of the city. The oldest palaces are among the chiefs and priests.

Chiefs Palace: Located inside the pyramid known as M-195, has two courtyards surrounded by four quarters. In one of these playgrounds is an altar to the center where two friezes on the side walls, they represent their leaders, a man in a horizontal position (face down), beard pointed, has ears, dress and carries a maxtlatl holding a human femur.

The woman also in the same position as the man, a Zapotec hair with ribbons intertwined with earrings and necklaces with round beads, wears a quechquémitl.

The city comprises about 197 mounds and an area of ​​117 hectares, most of which are covered by weeds. The site was occupied from 700, but the splendor of the city is between 600 and 750 and coincides with the peak of Monte Alban.The abandonment of the site is around 750 also coincided with the abandonment of Monte Alban and the disintegration of the Zapotec state. This collapse formed many small domains in the Oaxacan valleys during this period, so it is believed that the population could have moved to Lambityeco site Yagul.

Lambityeco is an archaeological site located about 25 km southeast of the city of Oaxaca. Archaeological monuments explored and exposed to view including two palace complexes. These palaces, with their tombs were excavated and restored between 1961 and 1976 by the staff of the Institute of Oaxaca Studies, under the direction of John Paddock.

Lambityeco is a vast archaeological area of ​​approximately 7 square kilometers, which has explored only a fraction of the 200 "hummocks" (small mounds of earth) systems.

The majesty of this site, located in the central valleys of Oaxaca, is due to the presence of extraordinary sculptures that adorn the walls of the ceremonial center, including unique stone and mud masks representing deities and people of royalty.

GPS coordinates:

Length (dec): -96.488889

Latitude (dec): 16.978056

The town lies at an average height of 1600 meters above sea level.

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