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San andres yaa

San andres yaa

The municipality is located in the eastern part of the state.
Do not miss ...

Bordered on the north San Ildefonso Villa Alta and Santo Domingo Roayaga, south to San Melchor de Betaza and Totontepec Villa de Morelos, west to SanCristobal and San Juan Lachirioag Tabaa and east by San Juan ComaltepecTotontepec Villalde and Morelos.
Geographical coordinates of San Andres Yaa

33.17 north
17 ° 18 'west longitude

By tradition it is known that this town was founded in the year 1501, ignoringthose who were its first settlers. The change of residence of the community whohave been in a place called jaxho-bio (Hill fleas) and is currently on a hill, the construction and existence of an arch that serves as a larger river that connectswith other peoples. Their land titles were issued by the Colonial Government, dated April 15, 1820
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Puente entre Villa Alta y Temazcalapa
Puente entre Villa Alta y Temazcalapa, por norbertos

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