Villa de Alvarez is a city in the state of Colima, is located between latitudes 19 º 15 'to 19 º north latitude 21'de 40'a 103 º 104 º 05' west longitude. Villa de Alvarez bounded on the north by the municipality of Comala; the southwest, with Colima, with Minatitlán northwest, southwest, and east to Coquimatlán Cuauhtemoc.
The city of Villa de Alvarez, several entertainment centers, tourist, where you can also enjoy the regional food for tourists and residents of other municipalities of Colima;
The spa "Cold Water": A hot spot for picnics.
Peaks: On the river San Palmar, typical for coastal walks.
Juluapan: Because you can admire the monumental rock the place.
The Garden: The main garden is very traditional because it still retains its provincial air despite the enormous population growth of this county, in this garden is going to buy classic and quietly enjoy the famous "Palettes of the Villa" deliciously prepared with milk or with water in a variety of flavors, whose recipe has endured unchanged over several decades, young people enjoy them to quench their thirst, while relaxing and talk with family or friends. This space is also home to the old habit of selling pies (milk and other flavors) on 4 October of each year, in honor of San Francisco.
The Bell: The bell, which was rebuilt a few years ago under the coordination of INAH and today is visited by groups of domestic and foreign tourists, and where further ceremonies are held at the equinoxes and solstices of each year; is located on Avenida Tecnologico de Colima.
'The Lake of the shepherds: North of town, is a major tourist attraction site
Fiestas Charro-bullfighting: The traditional festivities in the municipal are a real attraction for young people not only the municipality but elsewhere, Fiestas Charro-for bullfighting, which for more than three hundred years have been conducted, allyears during the month of February, in honor of San Felipe and Jesus (patron saint of the city of Colima as well), are the most ingrained habit and better organized across the state. They have features and activities that make them unique, as the arena known as the petatera, which is built exclusively with mats and mounts and dismounts annually, making it an attraction for locals and visitors and, according to the tradition, is well developed and reworked cyclically as a "boss" of parishioners dedicated to this saint, with the intention of asking for her favors to avoid repeating earthquakes in the state (as Colima is a highly seismic zone).
The municipality of Villa de Alvarez is one of 10 municipalities into which the state of Colima, located in north central state, its seat is the City of Villa de Alvarez.
The municipality of Villa de Alvarez is located between the extreme coordinates of the parallels 19 º 15 'to 19 º north latitude 21'de 40'a 103 º 104 º 05' west longitude of Greenwich, at a maximum altitude of 1,600 meters, and a low of 440. Bordered on the north by the Municipality of Comala, southwest, in Colima, in the northwest, with the Minatitlan, southwest, in the Coquimatlán and east by the Municipality of Cuauhtémoc.
Volcan de Fuego de Colima

Iglesia, Comala

Villa de Álvarez

Palacio Federal Colima

A statue in Colima City, Mexico


La Campana

El chanal

Volcán de Colima desde central de autobuses

Rey Coliman

Hotel Maria Isabel

Bello ejemplar joven del Arbol de la Vida Moringa origen La India (Moringa oleifera) Colima, Col. México

Wired volcano - Comala, Colima

Quiosco Colima

La Piedra Lisa

Rio colima, muy limpio por cierto

Vista del Volcán de Colima desde la capital

Comala Pueblo Mágico Colima by Mel Figueroa

Escultura de Sebastián

Monumento a los perritos, carretera a Comala

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