Matamoros is a town in the Mexican state of Coahuila. Its population in 2005 was48.511 inhabitants.
Matamoros is located in the Laguna Region of Coahuila, at coordinates 103 ° 13'42"west longitude and 25 ° 31'41" north latitude. At an altitude of 1100 meters abovesea level. Torreon is bordered on the west by the east to San Pedro de las Coloniasand Viesca, and north by Francisco I Madero.
It covers an area of 1003.70 square kilometers, and its terrain is flat.
The climate is dry hot summer rains and strong winds reaching up to 44 kilometersper hour in spring dust storms occur. The average annual temperature rangesbetween 22 and 24 degrees Celsius
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Hacienda Los Ángeles, Torreón

Wet Laguna (toboganes)


KaSa de MeMo

CBTA 1 Technological Agropecuary Institute

Montaña + Nogalera

Panteon municipal

Cuauhtemoc, Matamoros

Volando en el Desierto Puerto del Perico

Paso a Desnivel Matamoros Coah.

El Reloj del Mercado

Plaza Principal de Matamoros

Puesta de Sol

Pompa de Agua

Arco de entrada a Matamoros , Coah.

Arco a un costado del Manto de la Virgen




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