Santa Barbara is a city of Chihuahua (Mexico), located south of the entity, is the oldest city in the state for its 400 anniversary. has a population of just over 12,000 inhabitants and is adjacent to San Francisco del Oro (5,000 inhabitants) and Parral(128,000 inhabitants).
The City of Santa Barbara is one of 67 municipalities in which it is divided the Mexican state of Chihuahua, located south of the state on the border with the state of Durango, Its seat is the city of Santa Barbara, the oldest population the state.
the town of Santa Barbara is located in the municipality of Santa Barbara (in the State of Chihuahua). It has 8673 inhabitants. Santa Barbara is at 1940 metersaltitude.
ES also Mine Lead, Copper, Zinc, Silver and Gold mining complex is located 25 kmsouthwest of Hidalgo de Parral in southern Chihuahua, Mexico. Santa Barbara has three main underground mines and a flotation plant to produce concentrates of lead, copper and zinc, with significant amounts of silver
Ver mapa más grande
El Cielo del Oro en la Madrugada

Vista desde la Pila arriba de la clinica

La catorce

El Panteon y los tanques de la Fluorita

Peñas en Sainas

Luisa volando su papalote en forma de Barco Pirata

Santa Barbara Nevado

Cine mineros y Hacienda - San Fco del Oro


Entre los cerros

Desde la carretera a la 14

Vista de los Cerros hacia la carretera a Parral

Col. La Rosita - San Fco del Oro Chih.

Arbol a Contraluz en la mesa

La Tinta de Noche

Madrugada en los cerros de San Fco del Oro

Instalaciones de la Fluorita - San Fco del Oro

Subida a la Catorce - San Fco del Oro

Los Azules - San Fco del Oro Chih.

Reserva San Fco. del Oro

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