Cuauhtemoc is located northeast of the state of Colima, limiting cardinal point withTonila (Jalisco), on the east, with Pihuamo (Jalisco), on the south and southeast, inColima, and west, with Comala and Villa de Alvarez. Located between the geographical coordinates 19 º 12 'to 19 º 30' north latitude and 103 º 30 'to 103 º 42'west longitude.
It is located northeast of the state, limiting at this point with the Municipality of Tonila, Jalisco, on the east with that of Pihuamo, Jal., On the south and southeast by the Colima and the West with those of Comala and Villa de Alvarez. Located betweenthe geographical coordinates 19 º 12 'to 19 º 30' north latitude and 103 º 30 'to 103 º 42' west longitude.
It has a maximum altitude of 2,700 meters above sea level and a low of 600. Thecounty seat is located 15 km away from the state capital, Colima City.
the Municipality of Cuauhtémoc (in the State of Colima). It has 8165 inhabitants.Cuauhtemoc is at 940 meters
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A statue in Colima City, Mexico

Volcanes de fuego

Volcan de Colima, el Coloso- Colima Volcano, the colossus

Feria de Todos los Santos Colima 2008

Kiosko en el centro de Cuahuctemoc

Bursera copallifera (copal santo) Colima, Col. México

Aeropuerto de Colima

Volcan de Colima, desde Laguna Carrizalillos

Volcanes de Colima

Nevado y Volcán de Colima - Nevado and Colima volcano

Escultura de Sebastián

Atardecer en Estacionamiento Norte Plaza Zentralia

Biblioteca de Ciencias, UdeC

Edificio de Posgrado de la Universidad de Colima

Libramiento Marcelino García Barragán

Bello Arbol "La Parota" (Enterolobium cyclocarpum) El Higueral, Colima, Méx.

El Abrigo del Volcan de fuego "El Abuelo de Colima, Col. México"

Cabaña junto al Pinar del Chayan

Teatro Universitario

Palo de arco joven (Tecoma stans), Colima, col. México

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