Aldama is located in the center of the state of Chiapas, between latitudes 92 ° 41 '17 "to 92 ° 42' 10" west longitude and 16 ° 55 '03 "to 16 ° 56 north latitude, at an altitude of 1.810 meters above sea level Tues the municipality accounts for 0.04% of the state of Chiapas.
Located on the edge of the Central Plateau and Mountains of northern, predominantly mountainous terrain, its geographical coordinates are 16 ° 55 'N and 92 º 41' W.
the town of Aldama is located in the municipality of Aldama (in the State ofChiapas). It has 1081 inhabitants. Aldama is at 1810 meters altitude.
Aldama is one of the 118 municipalities in the Mexican state of Chiapas. It is thecenter of the state, has an area of 26.57 km ². His name is in honor of IgnacioAldama, insurgent Mexican War of Independence from Mexico. According to the II Population and Housing 2005, the municipality has 4.906 inhabitants and isprincipally engaged in the primary sector.
Aldama Aldama located in the municipality of Chiapas in Mexico and the GPS coordinates:
Longitude (dec): -92.688056
Latitude (dec): 16.917500
The town is at a medium altitude of 1810 meters above sea level.
February "Carnival Party"
March "Feast of the Lord of Tila or fourth Friday"
July 22 "Santa Maria Magdalena" Patroness of the municipality "
Julio "Fiesta de San Juan"
Change of Traditional Authorities
Among its traditions and customs:
It celebrates New Year in January
Easter (variable)
May 3, Santa Cruz
1 º. and November 2, Day of the Dead
The Dec. 12 "Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe"
Ver mapa más grande
San Andrés Larraínzar, Chiapas

San Andrés desde el cerro de Guadalupe

Chenalhó - Chiapas - Mexico

Ermita de Guadalupe, San Andrés Larraínzar

Carretera en Los Altos de Chiapas


ermita afuera


Aguas Claras

la iglesia de san miguel arcangel , mitoctic

Iglesia San Antonio Caridad Chenalho

Montañas del norte de Chiapas


Panoramica rural San Antonio Caridad Chenalho Chiapas

chiotic chamula

Pueblo zapatista en Oventic

campo futbol festejo 7 ago 2008, botanas, cervezas, carreras de cintas

panteón de chenalhó


paisaje kechtick

Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners
Located on the edge of the Central Plateau and Mountains of northern, predominantly mountainous terrain, its geographical coordinates are 16 ° 55 'N and 92 º 41' W.
the town of Aldama is located in the municipality of Aldama (in the State ofChiapas). It has 1081 inhabitants. Aldama is at 1810 meters altitude.
Aldama is one of the 118 municipalities in the Mexican state of Chiapas. It is thecenter of the state, has an area of 26.57 km ². His name is in honor of IgnacioAldama, insurgent Mexican War of Independence from Mexico. According to the II Population and Housing 2005, the municipality has 4.906 inhabitants and isprincipally engaged in the primary sector.
Aldama Aldama located in the municipality of Chiapas in Mexico and the GPS coordinates:
Longitude (dec): -92.688056
Latitude (dec): 16.917500
The town is at a medium altitude of 1810 meters above sea level.
February "Carnival Party"
March "Feast of the Lord of Tila or fourth Friday"
July 22 "Santa Maria Magdalena" Patroness of the municipality "
Julio "Fiesta de San Juan"
Change of Traditional Authorities
Among its traditions and customs:
It celebrates New Year in January
Easter (variable)
May 3, Santa Cruz
1 º. and November 2, Day of the Dead
The Dec. 12 "Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe"
Ver mapa más grande
San Andrés Larraínzar, Chiapas

San Andrés desde el cerro de Guadalupe

Chenalhó - Chiapas - Mexico

Ermita de Guadalupe, San Andrés Larraínzar

Carretera en Los Altos de Chiapas


ermita afuera


Aguas Claras

la iglesia de san miguel arcangel , mitoctic

Iglesia San Antonio Caridad Chenalho

Montañas del norte de Chiapas


Panoramica rural San Antonio Caridad Chenalho Chiapas

chiotic chamula

Pueblo zapatista en Oventic

campo futbol festejo 7 ago 2008, botanas, cervezas, carreras de cintas

panteón de chenalhó


paisaje kechtick

Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners
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