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Santiago Huahuclilla is a town located northeast of the capital city, Oaxaca

The municipality of Santiago Huahuclilla is a town located northeast of the capital city at an approximate distance of 105 miles. by the toll road to Oaxaca Mexico District Assumption coming later Nochixtlán taking dirt road that is a stretch of about 20 kilometers.

Its coordinates are: 17 ° 27 'north latitude and 97 ° 04' west longitude and height above sea level of 2.080 meters. The total area of ​​the municipality is 89.31 km2, representing 0.09% of total state

Located between the Sierra Madre Oriental and Occidental, among the hills: the Blue Pigs, Tigre, San Blas and the Picacho has an area of ​​6.425 hectares of farmland, scrub and wild.

The municipality has cold weather at the top of the hill, warm in the center of town, and warm in the lowlands bordering Cuicatlán, with normal weather

It has the following rivers: the Great, San Antonio, Zotula and the Sabines, in streams with that of Yundilloco, La Hacienda, La Escondida, Borders and Hadera. This also has a spring and Water Scorpion, dams Yunditeo and The Enchanted Cup.

The hidden brook has three waterfalls, which is fed water holes so the water containing the stream is crystal-clear and the landscape can be seen is very nice.

Access to these waterfalls is only by footpaths and is a real adventure down through the power of these paths within about an hour to descend and approximately two hours to climb back to the town.

In the village we can find handicrafts such as mats, palm tenates, embroidery cloth, sieves and Saranda, and woodwork, yokes, plows, shafts and spoons

The population is a church whose construction dates from the seventeenth century. This also has a community museum, which contains photographs, ceramics and chronology of the mayors of the municipality

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