Puerto Chiapas, formerly known as San Benito and even called Puerto Madero, 2 is a town and port in the Mexican state of Chiapas on the Pacific coast in the south of Soconusco, in the municipality of Tapachula. Specifically locatedapproximately 30 kilometers from the City of Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez.According to its coordinates are located between latitude 14 ° 32 '24' 'and 17 °59'08' 'N, 90 ° 20'32 meridians' and' west longitude 94 ° 07'13 South West Coast of the Ocean Pacific.
He is currently considered one of the 16 major ports up to Mexico, it begins tohave an export activity.
Besides Puerto Chiapas offers those seeking close contact to a mystical world,exotic and natural, the door to a magical place with fascinating tours of the area, enjoying unique natural beauty, alternative tourism, ecotourism, and archeology
Playa Linda

El Chevy aparcado,... polvo sudor y gasolina...

entrance to puerto chiapas dec'08

Sn. Benito Beach from the air/Playa Sn. Benito desde el aire/ La plage Saint Benito de l'air

Ciudad salud

Playa Linda

Puerto Chiapas

Clouds in a blue sky

Fishing Harbour at Puerto Madero

Playa Linda beach at Barra de Cahoacán Chiapas Mexico near Tapachula, 360 degree view

puerto chiapas

Playa Linda 2

La casa

Puerto Madero (Tapachula)

Puerto Madero

San Benito Beach /Playa / Plage Saint Benito

Puerto Chiapas

Estero Puerto Chiapas, mangles, plátanos y mangos

Port side, Puerto Chiapas, Mexico

Faro de Puerto Chiapas

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