This reserve covers an area of 144 000 868 hectares of rich biotic between bocabarra and streams that interconnect with the Pacific Ocean. Here you can see Tulare zapotonales and mangroves, considered the highest in the American Pacific. This reserve is the turtle camp La Concepcion, where actions are taken to monitor the populations of olive ridley, hawksbill and leatherback, and activities of protection, monitoring and conservation of these endangered species.
Warm humid with rains year round
Located in the Soconusco region of Chiapas and includes the municipalities of Pijijiapan, Mapastepec Acapetahua, Huixtla, Villa Comaltitlán and Mazatán.
How to get there?
The main access is the basis of Tapachula on Federal Highway No. 200, a distance of 62 kms. to Escuintla, and hence continues to Acapetahua and travel 17 kms. state road to the pier the Herons, where boats are approached to move to Camp La Concepción.
Crossroads hosts several of these coastal resources, with lakes, swamps, forest zapotonal only in the region and some of the best preserved mangrove forests on the Pacific coast. The reserve serves as a natural bridge between the Nearctic and Neotropical biogeographical regions and contains the northern and southern varieties of many species. Accordingly, The Crossroads is a critical ecological and economic importance for the region, many local communities depend on natural resources for their livelihoods and maintain a thriving local fishing economy, and wetlands of the reserve function as a filter system in the top of the current for communities living in the lower basin.
The reserve covers the coastal municipalities of Pijijiapan, Mapastepec Acapetahua, Villa Comaltitlán, Huixtla, Mazatán Huehuetán and where are also located two of the major lake systems and production of southern Mexico: Carretas-Pereyra and Chantuto-Pensacola.
In "Crossroads" are established six sampling sites, all located in the wetlands catchment influence Coapa River Basin, in the town of Pijijiapan, Chiapas.
Mangroves up to 35 meters, considered the highest in the North and Central America, diverse flora and fauna.
One community of lowland floodplain zapotonales. There are some regions of low and medium rain forest in good condition.
To get to Crossroads from Tapalucha be and follow the road 200 to the diversion of Escuintla. There take the road to Acapetahua and advance about 15 miles of dirt road to the estuary Las Palmas.
While this book is not a tourist place, can be accessed with the permission of the Institute of Natural History, located in Tuxtla Gutierrez, the Chiapas state capital.
Before traveling, be aware that the area-managed by the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas, no proper roads and services.
Ver mapa más grande
Streets at La Palma - La Encrucijada Natural Reservoir

Rumbo a la Encrucijada, Zona de Manglares, Chiapas México

Estero El ballenato (vista de la bocabarra)

Mangles Pintados con Guano de Aves, Las Palmas Chiapas México

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