Within the area of the Rio Bec architectural highlights Chicanná archaeological site by the great beauty of structure II, which is richly decorated with an enormous mask Itzamná, God the Creator, you can see remains of stucco with red and blue and glyphs.
The house of the serpent's mouth as it has been called is considered an elitist city suburbs to Becán.
Archaeological Area is located southeast Chicanná the State of Campeche.
From the city take the road towards the town of Champotón, hence the 186 federal Escárcega-Chetumal site at kilometer 141.
From the town of Hopelchen Chicanná can be reached by taking the road leading to the town of Xpuhil, hence the federal highway 186 towards Chetumal Escárcega Escárcega, finding the site 8 km away.
The archaeological site is located 292 km southeast of the city of Campeche, capital of the state of the same name. A Chicanná can be reached by the federal highway 261 (Campeche-Escárcega) and 186 (Escárcega-Chetumal).
can be translated as "Little House on the mouth of the snake," chi, mouth, dog, snake and national, home. Possibly referring to the facade of Structure II.
The site is a good example of the merger of two major Mayan architectural styles. As can be seen Chicanná Chenes style buildings, which are characterized by buildings whose facade is richly decorated with elements that experts call integral front and zoomorphic Itzmana representing the main deity of the Maya pantheon, with open jaws. There are also structures belonging to the style Becán River, whose outstanding features are two lateral towers that flank a long, low building.
Chicanná builders took advantage of a small hill to build the structures they inhabit.The earliest time Chicanná occupation dates to the period known as Late Preclassic (300 BC to 250 AD). Its cultural boom occurred in the Late Classic (550-700 AD), then was a small center Chicanná dependent Grand Becán, which served as regional capital.
Within the area of the Rio Bec architectural highlights Chicanná archaeological site by the great beauty of structure II, which is richly decorated with an enormous mask Itzamná, the Creator God, in this you can see remains of stucco with red and blue and glyphs. "The house of the serpent's mouth" as it has been called is considered an elitist city suburbs to Becán.
Chicanná which in Spanish means "Little House on the mouth of the serpent" (chi-mouth, can snake-ná-house), probably refers to the huge central mask facade of Structure II. The earliest period of occupation of the site dates back to the Late Preclassic (300 BC - 250 AD), and Late Classic peak (550 - 700 AD), when the site was a small center Becán dependent, who acted regional capital. Given the elegance and rich decoration of its buildings, Chicana has been considered by some researchers as an elitist center of Rio Bec Region. As Becán, among the Late Classic and Terminal, must participate in the trade route across the peninsula from the Gulf of Mexico to the South Coast today Quintana Roo. Chicanná remained occupied until the Terminal Classic and Post Classic (800-1100 AD).

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