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Uruachi Tarahumara and means place of palms or soles

Uruachi, CHihuahua

The word is Uruachi Tarahumara and means place of palms or soles, anotherversion is described as "Place of Auras" or "Place of the Black Stone."

Located in the north latitude 27 ° 52 'west longitude 108 ° 13', at an altitude of 1.313meters. on the sea level.

the town of Uruachi is located in the Municipality of Uruachi (in the State ofChihuahua). Has 806 inhabitants. Uruachi is at 1360 meters altitude.

Uruachi Township is one of 67 municipalities into which the Mexican state ofChihuahua, located west of the state territory. Its capital is the town of Uruachi, a former mining town.

Uruachi is located west of the state of Chihuahua, in its border with the state ofSonora and a more rugged areas of the Sierra Madre Occidental, its boundaries are the north by the municipality of Moris and the municipality of Ocampo, the east by the municipality of Maguarichi and south with the municipalities of Chinipas andGuazapares, on the west borders the state of Sonora, where its borders are the municipalities of Quriego and Rosario. It has a total land area of ​​3,058.31 square kilometers

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