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Jimenez is located in the northern state of Coahuila

Jimenez, Coahuila

Jimenez is located in the northern state of Coahuila and has a total land area of ​​3040.9 square kilometers, the 2.01% that is representative of the total area of the state, bounded on the north by the municipality of Acuña, south and west by the municipality of Zaragoza and southeast to the town of Piedras Negras, on the eastand northeast limits correspond to the state of Texas in the United States, particularly in Maverick County and Kinney County.

the town of Jimenez is located in the municipality of Jimenez (in the State ofCoahuila de Zaragoza). It has 1200 inhabitants. Jimenez is 250 meters.

Jimenez Jimenez municipality located in the State of Coahuila in Mexico and GPScoordinates:

Length (dec): -100.675000

Latitude (dec): 29.069722

The town is at a medium altitude of 250 meters above sea level.

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