It limits the north with the municipality of Calkiní, south to the town of Tenabo, east to the state of Yucatan and the municipality of Hopelchén, and west by the Gulf ofMexico with a coastline of 24 kms.
Hecelchakán Township is located between parallels 19 ° 52 'and 20 ° 13' north latitude, the meridians 89 ° 48 'and 90 ° 28' west longitude, and has an altitude of 10meters above sea level .
The original name of the place is Helelchakán (Savannah rest) which comes fromthe Mayan words "helel" and "Chaka" meaning "rest" and "Savannah", respectively.Helelchakán at Castilianize, became Hecelchakán.
the town of Hecelchakán is located in the Municipality of Hecelchakán (in the State of Campeche). It has 9974 inhabitants. Hecelchakán is 15 meters.
The communities of the municipality are: Hecelchakán, Cacoch, Chavi MennoniteCountry, Countryside Mennonite Yalnón, Chavi (Shave), Chunkanán, Cumpich,Dzitnup, Dzotchén, Montebello, Nohalal, Pocboc, Pomuch, Santa Cruz and Sodzil.
The most important towns that are part of the municipality are Pomuch, Pocboc,Cumpich and Jaina.
During the colonial period and the Porfiriato was a major producer of cattle andsisal. Its attractions include: The Island of Jaina (cemetery maya), and its archaeological museum, the estates of Sodzil, Xhuelén and White Flower, apart from being a traditional and picturesque town with its main square and church.
It is common everyday organize bullfights at the bullring, which is constructed days earlier; for this, it uses a technique of building, which consists of a palisade of one or two floors in the center is the ring.
Carnival, one of the oldest festivals of Campeche, has a very particularHecelchakán.
Pomuch Camp.


Casa Grande Hacienda Blanca Flor

Hacienda Blanca Flor. Alberca

Pocboc Centro

Cerca del Cecytec, Pomuch, Camp

Amanecer en la Autopista Campeche-Mérida

Hecelchakán Main Street

Messico - Chiapas, Cimitero

Iglesia de Hecelchakan

Escuela Secundaria

Descansando en POMUCH.

Habitación Típica de POMUCH

tja Tüv gibs in Mex nich


hecelchakan, estacion

Árboles de Ramón Brosimum allicastrum

Calle 14, Casa típica maya

COBACH Campeche

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