Etymologically the word derives from the words Cuautepec Nahuatl, whichtranslated into Spanish means "eagle hill".
Cuautepec Township is located southeast of Chilpancingo. Located in the Costa Chica region, in the parallel 16 º 41 'and 16 º 56' north latitude and 98 º 50 'and 99 º 27' west longitude, the meridian of Greenwich.
the town of Cuautepec is located in the Municipality of Cuautepec (State ofGuerrero). It has 3447 inhabitants. Cuautepec is 200 meters.
Cuautepec Township is located southeast of Chilpancingo. Located in the Costa Chica region, in the parallel 16 º 41 'and 16 º 56' north latitude and 98 º 50 'and 99 º 27' west longitude, the meridian of Greenwich.
Ayutla bordered to the north on the east by San Luis Acatlan, on the south Copalaon the west by Florencio Villarreal.
Cuautepec bordered to the north the town of Ayutla, east by San Luis AcatlanCopala the south and west by the municipality of Florencio Villarreal. It is alsoimportant to know that the name "Cuautepec" etymologically derives from theNahuatl words meaning "eagle hill". In other statistics, INEGI released the resultsobtained from the count of population and housing conducted in 2010 and noted that the municipality is composed Cuautepec 15.115 inhabitants.
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