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jalcomulco, veracruz

jalcomulco, veracruz

Jalcomulco is a very old town, dating back to prehispanic times, was founded on the left side of the river Huizilapan, in Castilian means "River of Hummingbirds," now known as Fish River. Teaching Spanish from the Nahuatl word Xalcomulcomeans: Xal - sand Comulo - pan or pot and co - location. "Place of sand pit sandor Barranca"

Live the adventure and ecotourism in the land of the rapids. Jalcomulco is a very old town, dating back to prehispanic times, was founded on the left side of the river Huizilapan, in Castilian means "River of Hummingbirds," now known as FishRiver. Teaching Spanish from the Nahuatl word Xalcomulco means: Xal - sandComulo - pan or pot and co - location. "Place of sand pit sand or Barranca"

The municipality is located in the central state on the eastern foothills of the Cofre de Perote, meeting accidents on its soil depressive Tuzamapan formed gulliesand Jalcomulco. It is watered by the River Fish or Antigua.

Located in the center of the state in the coordinates 19 º 20 'north latitude and 96 º 46' west longitude at an altitude of 389 meters above sea level. Bordered on the north Emiliano Zapata, on the east Apazapan to the south and southwestTlaltetela, to the northwest Coatepec. Its approximate distance to the southeast of the capital of the state road is 28.5 km

Its climate is warm-regular with an average temperature of 24 ° C.

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