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Tecuala is located in the northern state of Nayarit,

Tecuala, nayarit

Tecuala is the Spanish version of Tecuallan word meaning "Place of many beasts."

Tecuala is located in the northern state of Nayarit, between parallels 22 º 14 'and 22 º 34' north latitude and the meridian 105 º 14 'and 105 º 45' west longitude, bounded on the north by the state Sinaloa and the city of Acaponeta the south by the municipalities of Santiago and Rosamorada Ixcuintla the east with the municipality ofAcaponeta and west by the Pacific Ocean.

Historical Monuments

Stresses in the city the temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, built in the middle of this century. In the ejido of San Cayetano is the hull of the estate of the same name dating from the eighteenth century.

In San Felipe Aztatán the monument erected to the Mexican as the town is considered asthe homeland of the Mexica or Early Aztecs. Jose Lopez Portillo and Weber notes thatthere Aztatlán formerly called, began the journey that culminated in the founding of Mexico-Tenochtitlan

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