Located on North Mountain at predominantly mountainous terrain, its geographical coordinates are 17 ° 10 'N and 92 º 41' W. Its altitude is 290 m.
The Huitiupan name, which in Nahuatl means "Place of the big temple."
Bordered on the north by the state of Tabasco, on the east by the municipality ofSabanilla, South with Simojovel de Allende, on the west by Pueblo NuevoSolistahuacan, Amato and Ixhuatan. The climate is hot and humid with summer rainfall and vegetation type corresponds to the high jungle. Its main tributary is theriver or Almandro Catarina.
Huitiupan Township (in the State of Chiapas). It has 2420 inhabitants. Huitiupan is 300 meters.
According to territorial position on the map of Mexico, its geographical coordinatesare 17 ° 10 'west logitud, and 92 ° 41' north latitude.
Ver mapa más grande
río almandro/cañon de Itzantún

Simojovel Chipas Calle 20 de Noviembre


ceiba, centro del pueblo por la noche

Montañas del Norte Hiutiupan Chiapas

col pimienta mpio de Simojovel

cascada Chanival, huitiupan, Chiapas (1)

minas de ambar profundas a orillas de la carretera de Guadalupe

cascada las gemelas, col 6 de noviembre, Huitiupan, chiapas.(2)

cancha de basquet bol de la col. la union


pasando el tunel dentro del cerro itzantun, (carretera de Huitiupan ala ventana , ramos etc)

Parque Bicentenario, Simojovel, Chiapas

cruzando el puente colgante catarina

la boquilla, entrada de los rios cuculho, San Pedro y Catarina al cerro itzantun

2a norte oriente

colonia Santa Catarina

puente cuculho viejo

rio san pedro y catarina

Salida Huitiupan Chiapas

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