
comalcalco, tabasco

Comalcalco (Nahuatl: House of griddles) is an archaeological site of Mayan civilization, which is located in the town of Comalcalco, in the Mexican state of Tabasco.

The ruins are a necropolis of the Classic Maya period (first century BC to IX AD) built with bricks and oyster shell stucco. This site is considered the westernmost of the Mayan culture, located approximately 60km northeast of the city of Villahermosa. The town developed between 700 and 900 AD.

Comalcalco archaeological site is located in the central area of the Chontalpa, on the east bank of red river ex Seco, between the remnants of what was a great rainforest.

The pre-Hispanic settlement covers an area of 7 square kilometers, where are located the architectural groups that developed in various building systems, among which are the foundations erected with packed earth bodies coated with lime plaster shell oyster and brick masonry construction. The buildings were decorated as modeled in stucco, which were also painted in colors like red, blue, green, yellow and black. The most notable feature of Comalco, is the use of bricks in building systems, this due to no presence of stone materials in the region, besides being the most remote Mayan site to the east.

Getting there
The area lies north of the city of Comalcalco on the road that goes to the ranch Independence.

Mexico City to the archaeological site of Comalco is a road distance of 765 kilometers, which are traversed in a time of 10 hours or so.

To arrive by plane to Comalcalco from Mexico City, you must go to the city of Villahermosa, whose flight time is 1 hour and 15 minutes nonstop. Once in the latter city, continue along road 88 kilometers, which are covered in about an hour.

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