
coconá caves in teapa

Coconá Caves
In Teapa municipality within the Coconá hill in the Sierra region, 60 km. south of Villahermosa, the federal highway 195, are these magnificent caverns masterpiece of nature, which through the centuries have been shaped and ground water, creating whimsical figures on a journey of nearly five hundred meters divided into eight rooms.

This place has a depth of five hundred meters and has an underground stream and a cenote.

The caves have eight rooms to which the poet Carlos Pellicer called the Ghosts, Boca de Leon, The Pumpkin Serpent Three Tails, Cenote of Blind Fish, Headless Woman and Great sky. These halls are joined together by walkways, a length of a mile, along which you can see different figures that the water and time have evolved in their walls, ceilings and floors in wet .

The walls of the caves are covered with stalagmites and stalactites. There are places where, through holes, one can see the sky and the grandeur of the mountain which rises directly above the cave.

One of the most impressive attractions is its lake Coconá inside and cool clear water, which is under a dome, while the walls falling in small cascades the waters of Arroyo Hondo.

In these caves have been found prehistoric remains such as bones of the mastodon and megatherium, which are on display at the Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico City.

The story goes that the first man to explore Coconá was the prominent scientist and naturalist José Narciso Rovirosa Tabasco Andrade, who organized an expedition on July 20, 1892 with a group of students from the Juárez. This exploration took four hours and was attributed to the cavity length of 492 m divided into eight rooms are spectacular for its rich formations, which was named "Exhibition of Ghosts", "Manuel Villada Hall," Hall Ghiesbreght " "Mariano Bárcena Hall" and "Hall of Palms."

Leaving Villahermosa take the federal highway. 195 in the direction of the city of Teapa. Once there, follow the main road leading to the hill Caves National Monument Coconá.

On this site the temperature is pleasant. This is due to the conditions of the cave and the region's climate is rainy and cool most of the year. Henceforth, the darkness becomes more intense, in fact, is total, and if not for the spotlight would be plunged into darkness.

In the "Sunken Cathedral" see waterfalls, stone curtains and columns that give the room a supernatural character. Juan Carlos shows us the mouth of a lion, headless chicken, the marimba and the weeping rock, whimsical figures that share space with other impressive size and constitution, such as pumpkin, a mass of calcareous sedimentation Rovirosa described as "a marvel, whose foot is the fountain of youth, a sink full of clear water attributed to the rejuvenating powers.

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