
The town of Real de Catorce, often abbreviated Real is located 260 km north of San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Estacion Catorce  is located in the municipality of Catorce (in the State of San Luis Potosi). It has 1064 inhabitants. Fourteen station is 1820 meters above sea level.

The town of Real de Catorce, often abbreviated Real is located 260 km north of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and currently has a full-time population of less than 1,000 inhabitants. This "ghost town" in the high and dry areas of northern San Luis Potosi, once established a thriving silver mining has long been a place of pilgrimage for Catholics and local Huichol shamans, and is now being discovered by international tourists drawn by the desert environment and renowned spiritual energy.

Among the main attractions in town include:

Built in the nineteenth century pink stone, it is said that the acoustics of the place is remarkable, moreover, that since there is seen a magnificent view of the valley and the canyon surrounding the village.

Guadalupe Chapel

Its construction dates back to 1770 and presents a simple facade arch, flanked by towers of one body with almost no ornamentation. Its interior is a Latin cross and save an interesting set of expressive murals that reproduce various religious themes.

Palenque de Gallos

Built in pink stone and shaped like a Roman amphitheater was built in 1863 and it has been presented from cockfights to art shows when the city enjoyed its former glory. Currently, this site is used for activities and art and cultural events.

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Its construction began in the late eighteenth century, exactly in 1793, and concluded 24 years later, in 1817 neoclassical architectural style is Doric elements and presents a stark cover, made in stone. Its plant is in the form of a Latin cross, emphasizing the floor made of removable flooring mesquite wood.
Ogarrio Tunnel

It is the main entrance to the village, was opened in 1901 and says that its builder was a native of Ogarrio, Spain, Vicente Irizar. It has a length of 2.3 km in length. This was the last major construction was done in Real de Catorce, before its imminent decline. From here locate the area known as "Ghost Town" where are the ruins of the facilities of the mining company responsible for extracting silver.

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