
cobá, quintana roo mayan ruins

Coba (Coba in Spanish) is a great city in ruins
Pre-Columbian Maya civilization, located in the state of Quintana Roo,
Mexico. It is located about 90 km east of the Mayan site of Chichen Itza
about 40 km west of the Caribbean Sea and 44 km northwest of the site
Tulum, with which it is connected by a modern highway.

Coba is located around two lagoons. A series of stone pathways
cast high and radiate from the central site to different places
small, near and far. These are known by the Maya sacbe term
(Sacbeob plural). Some of these causeways go east to
Caribbean coast, and the longest runs of more than 100 kilometers (62
miles) west to the place of Yaxuná. The site contains several
large temple pyramids, the tallest, in what is known as group
Nohoch Mul structures, being about 42 meters (138 feet)
height (highest in the Yucatan Peninsula.)

Coba is estimated that there were about 50,000 inhabitants (and possibly much
more) at the height of civilization, and built-up area extends
about 80 km ². The site was occupied by a considerable population
agriculture in the first century. Most of the major
Coba monuments seems to have been made in the middle and late
Classic period, between 500 and 900, with most of the inscriptions
hieroglypic date of the seventh century. However Coba remained an
important site in the post-classical and temples were built
new and old stay at least until the 14 th century
possibly as late as the arrival of the Spanish.
When the Spanish arrived in 1550, had already been evacuated,
presumably displaced in importance by other cities such as Chichen
Itza or Tulum. In Coba is about 45 roads or driveways,
known by the name of sacbé (White Road), which relates
city with other places like Yaxun (100 miles) and Ixil (19
km), estimated that met more than a ceremonial function
economic. Almost at the entrance to the archaeological site is the
construction known as "the church", which contains numerous figures and
symbols. You can also see the whole game dedicated to the ball,
it is possible to see the two "arches" at the ends of
inclined planes. In the presence of skulls carved into the base
infer the meaning memorial ritual practiced by games

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