
Champotón , It is located in the center of Campeche state

Champotón , Campeche

Its etymology comes from the Mayan language: Chakan "savanna" and Putumayo, which is a modification of Peten, "region or region," so it means "region or district of Savannah." The name underwent several changes over time, but without changing their essential parts as described below: Chakan-Peten-Putún Chakan, Chakan-Potona, Potonchan, Champutun and Champotón.


It is located in the center of the state, between the meridians 89 ° 32 'and 91 ° 08' west longitude and between 17 ° 49 ° and 19 ° 41 ° latitude north of Greenwich.

It limits the north with the municipalities of Campeche and Hopelchén, the south by the municipality of Escarcega, the east by the municipality of Calakmul and west by the municipality of Carmen and the Gulf of Mexico.


In a stretch of 30 kilometers of the coastline Champotón Township to the north (part of Campeche and north central Calakmul), the climate is warm subtropical with an average temperature of 26 ° C.

In the south, east and southeast of the town, the variant is more moist subhumid climates, with rainfall in the months of June, July, August and September. Hot winds prevail from the east and southeast.

Temperatures are those of May around 40 ° Celsius and minimum in January is 10-14 degrees.

Champotón is a town in the state of Campeche in Mexico, is located south of state capital and county seat of Champoton.

Rio Champotón

With a length of 57 kilometers, its immense natural attraction, forms the ideal place to practice sport fishing, photographic tours to appreciate the flora and fauna that inhabit the region and various ecotourism activities. In the past, the river Champotón was used as the only means of communication between the various villages that were on the banks of the river.
[Edit] Beaches

Although there are no proper beaches in the town of Champoton, about 15 km south begins a long stretch sandy beach with large areas, such as Xen and Chenko Punta, featuring a turtle camp. The camps of these two sites are designed to perform various actions for the protection, conservation, research, environmental education, community participation and joint monitoring of an area of ​​40 km of beaches with nesting hawksbill and white. The beautiful beaches with gentle waves Champotón Township, is the ideal site for the arrival of thousands of turtles come to lay their eggs.
[Edit] Sites of historic charm

In Champotón, there are outstanding examples of the colonial past of the region, as the bastion of San Antonio, also known as Moch-Cohu Castle, which dates back to the time that Campeche was plagued by piracy. It also highlights, in the center of town, the church of Our Lady of Mercy, the eighteenth century, the Franciscan order, its facade is a body with bell tower and the plant has a single nave with barrel vault in Inside it contains some old images.

Champotón around there are also some ex-haciendas, which are beautiful examples of civil architecture of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Haltunchen highlight farms, Ulumal, San Jose and San Luis Carpizo Carpizo, the latter is located outside the town of Champoton and rebuilt to house a school for the Marines.

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