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Tenabo Township is located north of the state of Campeche

Tenabo, Campeche

Tenabo means "place where spans are measured or quarters." Their roots are you "place" and nab "span" and can be translated as "place of the palms."

Tenabo Township is located in the northern state territory, between parallels 19 ° 42 'and 20 ° 6' north latitude and between meridians 89 ° 57 'and 90 ° 28' west longitude from the meridian of Greenwich, and lies at an altitude of 10 meters above sea level.

Bordered on the north by the municipality of Hecelchakán, south to the town of Campeche, on the east by the municipality of Hopelchén and west by the Gulf of Mexico, which has 43 miles of coastline.

Calkiní comes from the Mayan language and consists of the words: lime "throat" and kin "sun" and the suffix "I" as the preposition "de" which means "throat of sunshine."

Tenabo Township is located north of the state of Campeche, between parallels 19 º 42'20 "and 20 º 06'00" north latitude, between the meridians 89 º 57'00 "and 90 º 58'00" West longitude, bounded on the north Hecelchakán the municipality to the east with the municipality of Hopelchén, south to the city of Campeche and west by the Gulf of Mexico in the region known as "Camino Real";

The dominant climate is warm sub-humid, with temperatures usually vary between 20.8 ° C to 33.4 ° C, with summer rains.

Among its architectural allure and archaeological civilians as the most important are the following:

The former hacienda San Antonio Hom, which is a building of stone, wood, bricks, earth and metal built in the early twentieth century.

In the village of Kanki archaeological sites are located "The Soch" and "Chun Cedro" dating from the period 600 BC to 980 A.D.

Mayan structures are built of carved stone belonging to the Puc style. In the building called "The Palace" are seen traces of frets, Cha'ac masks adorned with reliefs and friezes rectangular. There are several Chultunes (water basins built by the Maya) throughout the site.

Parties, dances and traditions: Among its main events is the celebration of the Great Power of God or the Great Power of the Holy Face. This celebration takes place from 4 to May 18 with craft and agricultural exhibits, rides, sporting events, bullfights, trade show, dances, dairies, which in this place are the most colorful and popular of the state. Also celebrated the Feast of novenas to Our Lady of the Assumption 8 to 15 August. This religious celebration is done with Masses, rosaries, dairy, traditional dance with the pig's head and fireworks.

Tenabo is located in the Municipality Tenabo Campeche Mexico State and is in the GPS coordinates:

Length (dec): -90.225278

Latitude (dec): 20.039722

The town lies at an average height of 10 meters above sea level.

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