
tepecuacuilco, guerrero

tepecuacuilco, guerrero

Located between latitudes 17 ° 54 'and 18 ° 22' north latitude and 99 ° 41 'west longitude the meridian of Greenwich.

Understood within the geo-economic region North. Iguala bordered on the north, on the south Cuilapan Martyr and Eduardo Neri before Zumpango del Rio, on the eastand Huitzuco Atengo River and west to Cocula.

It has two types of weather are warm and humid, humid-temperate, occupying most of the first, recorded a maximum temperature of 31.5 ° C and minimum 24.8 ° C,


Within the municipality, the main tourist areas are the locations and XalitlaTepecoacuilco, the Museum of Morelos and items made of wood and colorfulmasks, the influx of tourists is almost all year, mainly because Xalitla is located in a strategic place it is located at one side of the Mexico-Acapulco highway, causingboth domestic and foreign tourists to visit.

It is now considered historic municipal socket, the arena with a capacity of 7000 people, and today an arena for rodeo events or mass; Trujano Valerio Dam, the main square, the Honorable City Council the playground, the house where he was detained the priest Morelos, the hill of Calvary with its panoramic view and recentlythe consortium "life in the lake" located on the banks of the dam.

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el rayito en la loma,Tepecoacuilco Gro.

Bar flotante en Tepecoa

Iglesia de la Purísima Concepción

vendedores ambulantes

Issste Iguala Hospital de zona

carretera las brisas- santa cruz

Internado indigena de Sn. Gabrielito

casa donde estuvo preso Morelos

Por los tepetates

Paisaje campirano

árbol de clavellinas

Centro de Salud (Tepecoacuilco)

Casa del historiador Herminio Chávez Guerrero

Casa estilo "Barroco Libanés"

casa de Dña. Irene

lavanderas en la presa

el cerrito visto désde el hótel

Monumento a la Bandera Mexicana

Kiosko en el zócalo

Galerias Tamarindos

Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners

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