
chilapa de alvarez

chilapa de alvarez

The word comes from the Nahuatl word Chilapa Chilapan, which means "Chile in the water." There are other versions like the one that says the word is derived Chilapan chilli red atl: between river water and bread, that means "in the Red River."

Another says that originally called Tlachichinolapa, meaning "place of red water" and that over time it became as Chilapa, the addition of Alvarez was given in tribute to General Juan Alvarez

Chilapa Alvarez, commonly known only as Chilapa, a Mexican city, capital of the homonymous municipality in the state of Guerrero. It is located in the central-eastern part of the state central region. Turn, is located about 54 kilometers from the capital city Chilpancingo, on Federal Highway that leads to the town of Tlapa Comonfort.2

On the origin of the word Chilapa there are several versions, one says that derives from the Nahuatl word "Chilapan" meaning Chile in the water. Another of the same word that comes from accurate Chilapan "chilli" which signfica red, "atl" meaning between water and river and "pan" which means place. Together these words are expressed as "on the Red River." The supplement adds Alvarez in honor of John N.Alvarez, insurgent revolution Ayutla

The territory now comprising the municipality of Chilapa, has been inhabited since early times by nomadic tribes in search of food and mild climates.

Towards the Preclassic horizon (1200 to 800 BC) came to the region, groups from the Olmec culture from the Balsas Basin. These groups established their ritual center Oxtotitlán, (Place of Caves), near the community of Acatlán, where capture their mythical origin in splendid cave paintings.

During the Classic Period (800 BC to 900 AD) human groups from the central highland Teotihuacan descent, settled in the region and the dominated.

To them we owe the theological ideas still live among the natives of the municipality as well as a great number of idols, pottery and sculpture popularly called Texayac megalithic (stone face), located in the Payanaltzin hill, near the town of Ayahualulco.

For the Post-classic horizon, Hayden refers to "a Nahuatl-speaking group, the Coixca appeared in Guerrero in the thirteenth century and occupied the territory of the Balsas River, between the west and Chontales Tlapanecas east." "It is not unlikely that the Coixcas, following the route traversing Malinalco the current state of Morelos, and following the rivers and Atenango Amacuzac, have reached the current state of Guerrero and Chilapa region, following rivers and Zitlala Acatlán" .

So we have that Coixcas (Snakes Cotton), settled in Chilapa, just on the outskirts of the small hill called Chilapantépetl, 3 miles east of the present city, from where they extended their domains included Tixtla regions, Zumpango and Tlalcozoltitlán.

The distinguished by Almagro coixcas face a kind of "mask", having as one of its main attributes the fierceness in battle, however, were conquered by the Aztec Triple Alliance led by Moctezuma I in 1458.

The coixcas became part of the province Tepecoacuilco tax, paying tribute consisting of ocelots, eagles, gold dust, copper hatchets, corn, beans, chia, common blankets and quilts and blankets rich, refined and unrefined copal, honey and other products in the region, also formed the border between domains receipt of the Triple Alliance and the lordship of Yopitzingo never conquered. Moctezuma I appointed as ruler of the coixcas to Texolo Teucle.

Ver mapa más grande

Cielo en Chilapa

vista desde el atrio a pochahuizco

Catedral 1

catedral de chilapa guerrero

Río en Acatlán en IR. Chilapa, Guerrero

Chilapa Tizquizin



Templo de San Jose



Reloj Monumental de Chilapa

Oxtotitlan (Acatlán, Gro.)

Nicho de la Cruz y Virgen de Guadalupe

El amanecer del manantial (Atzcuinzitlan, Acatlán, Gro.)

Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners

Localización: Se localiza en la región Centro; al este de Chilpancingo, entre los paralelos 17° 17’ 40’’ y 17° 40’ 55’’ de latitud norte, y los 98° 53’ 44’’ y 99° 17’ 11’’ de longitud oeste. Tiene una superficie de 587 km2, que representa el 0.92% del total estatal. Colinda con los municipios siguientes: al norte con Zitlala y Ahuacuotzingo, al sur con Quechultenango y Atlixtac, al este con Atlixtac y José Joaquín de Herrera, y al oeste con Tixtla y Mochitlán. Su cabecera municipal, del mismo nombre, se encuentra a 61 km de la capital del estado y tiene una altitud de 1420 msnm.

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