
Atenango Township River is located in the upstate. Atenango River,

atenango del rio guerrero

Atenango Township River is located in the upstate. Atenango River, is 65 miles away from Iguala Iguala on the road-Atenango Huitzuco River, highway of the Sun

It is located between parallels 17 ° 58 'and 18 ° 17' north latitude and 98 ° 56 'and 99 ° 15' west longitude, the meridian of Greenwich, and geo-economic regionlocated in the north.

Bordered on the north by the municipality of Huitzuco and the state of Morelos on the south by the municipality of Copalillo; the east with the state of Puebla and the city ofOlinalá and west with the municipality of Huitzuco.

geographic coordinates which are located between 17 ° 58 'and 18 ° 17' north latitude and 98 ° 56 'and 99 ° 15' west longitude the meridian of Greenwich. It extends 398.8 kilometers in the entire territory comprising about 1.14% to the total area of the state. It limits the north with the municipality of Huitzuco of Figueroa and the state of Morelos on the south by the municipality of Copalillo; the east with thestate of Puebla and the municipality also Olinalá and west with the municipality ofHuitzuco of Figueroa.

iglesia de atenango del rio

Iglesia En Comala de Gómez



Cuetlajuchitlán, ciudad muy antigua

puente mezcala

atenango del rio

palacio municipal de atenango del rio

la hacienda en atenango del rio

vista desde el cerro de la cruz atenango del rio

huerta de mangos en clalamulco atenango del rio

Arqui - Aula Nueva (Sept. 2010)



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