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tlapa de comonfort

tlapa de comonfort

Some historians say the word comes from the Nahuatl word Tlapa: Tlappan orTluhpan, which means "place where they wash" there are others who argue that it means "place of dyers" and finally, others say it comes from the Nahuatl word:Tlachichlopa, who wants say "burned people."

The city of Tlapa de Comonfort is joined by land via highway 93 that crosses the city and community in the state to the capital city with Xochihuehuetlán Chilpancingo, the latter near the border with the state of Puebla.2

Tlapa de Comonfort (Nahuatl: tlapalli, tlapaqui, 'dyeing, dyer' 'instead of ink or stainswhere')? is a Mexican city of Guerrero and his namesake county seat time. Part of the Mountain Region of the entity.

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