
municipality of Jerez in the Mexican state of Zacatecas

jerez, zacatecas

Jerez de García Salinas is the county seat of the municipality of Jerez in the Mexican state of Zacatecas. It is located in central Florida, 56 miles southwest of the city of Zacatecas. One of the largest state populations of economic and cultural importance.

The city of Jerez has always been characterized by the beauty of their farms and has recently been included in the "Magic Towns" by the Ministry of Tourism, for their traditions, customs, legends and architecture.

This region was used for the seasonal nomads. In 1570, a Spanish group led by Captain Pedro Carrillo Davila formed a settlement with the name of Jerez de la Frontera in order to defend the road from Guadalajara to Zacatecas rebels againstIndian attacks.

The earliest mention we have of Jerez is the year 1584, in which the RoyalAudiencia of Guadalajara sent a document by order of the King of Spain stating that all peoples of the kingdom were to observe the eclipses of the moon and the amount of shadow determine longitude and latitude of all places.

Some Indian groups were sedentary and warlike little, so when the Spanish arrivedadvantage of these tribes to fight the hostile Indians. Shortly thereafter, he was awarded the title of Villa de Jerez. In 1952 he was given the name of Jerez deGarcia Salinas, name it still bears.

With the impressive Sierra de los Cardos the merits, the fertile valley of Jerez is surrounded by the mountains of Garcia, Susticacán, Chiquihuite, the Sierra de Leivaand the hill of San Francisco, all part of the Sierra de Zacatecas that extends from the Northeast southwest toward the river Jerez.

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