


In pre-Hispanic times belonged to the political and religious center Xochicalco tax being then the lordship of Cuernavaca and Cuauhnáhuac now be conquered by the Aztecs it, step Miacatlán a tributary of Tenochtitlan.

By building the State of Morelos in the year 1869 Miacatlán acquires the status of municipality and the villages Coatetelco Coatetelco, Palpan Guardrail and the villages of Nexapa and the Eye Water and the Haciendas Acatzingo, the chigger and Miacatlán .

Miacatlán is located at 18 ° 45 'north latitude and 99 °, 21' west longitude at an altitude of 1054 m. Bordered on the north by the State of Mexico and the municipality of Temixco, south with the municipalities of Puente de Ixtla, Mazatepec and Tetecala, east and west Xochitepec Coatlán River and the State of Mexico. The distance between Miacatlán and Cuernavaca is approximately 40 miles.

"Miacatlán the old" is a place located about 4 km from the present town, near the hill where there are ruins Zacatepechi Xochicalco.

In the sixteenth century, established the ranch Acatzingo where cane was grown on the plains west side of Lake Coatetelco, for which, initially, was the first dam built in this region where the water was stored for jobs . Subsequently extended the planting area to the current fields of "The Red" and "El Tecolote" in the neighboring municipality of Mazatepec, for which the landowners had to build the dam "Tembembe" to carry water from the river Tembembe those fields. Likewise, we built a bridge over the main access road, known as the stone bridge, where a small alcove dedicated to Santa Rosa.

The municipality is located geographically Miacatlán between parallels 18 ° 45 'north latitude and 99 ° 21' west longitude from Greenwich meridian at an altitude of 1,054 m

has a humid subtropical climate of hot, with average annual temperature of 22 ° C, at the bottom and in the mountain region the climate is temperate

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