
Isla de sacrificios (Island of Sacrifices) is located in the city of Veracruz

isla de sacrificios

-isla de sacrificios: the name evokes the religious ceremonies that developed pre-Hispanic men in this portion of land, surrounded by clear waters and exotic coralbanks.

Archeological excavations in the area have confirmed the performance of religious rites, having found traces of burials and temple foundations Totonac, butwith the arrival of the Spanish, the island became in the repair of the colonial ships.

Later, during the so-called Pastry War in 1838 (the first war with France) was the starting point of the attacks Gauls. Later, the area would be occupied by U.S. troops who invaded Mexico twice.
The Island of Sacrifice is the most important of which are located off Veracruz.Today, in his "face of sand" has been "seeded" a large modern lighthouse that guides ships head to port.

In pre-Hispanic times was inhabited by Totonac and Olmec who was named Chalchihuitlapazco (Bright Jade) discovered in 1518 by Captain Juan de Grijalva,during his exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, was given its current name by virtue of having been found in she sacrificed bodies of Indians during a ceremony ofoffering to their gods. Today the island, temporarily closed to the public has a powerful lighthouse that guides ships into the harbor through the canal. Besides being the largest island of which are in front of Boca del Rio, the island is surrounded by one of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world.

 Isla  de sacrificios
(Island of Sacrifices) is located in the city of Veracruz (State of Veracruz Ignacio de la Llave). 

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