
Matehuala is a city and municipality from the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico,


Matehuala is a city and municipality from the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, founded on July 10, 1550. Its name refers to the battle cry of the Indians guachichiles originating in the region, it is presumed that meant some kind of threat or warning: "Do not come!". Professor Angel Veral cerritence call it City of the Camelias.


The municipality is located in the upstate, in the highlands, the county seat has the following coordinates: 100 ° 39 'west longitude and 23 º 39' north latitude, with a height of 1.570 meters above sea level Tues

Its boundaries are: north, Cedral to the east, Nuevo Leon, on the south, Villa de Guadalupe, on the west, Villa de Guadalupe and Villa de la Paz.

The town was founded by D. Cayetano Medellin on June 10, 1550. It refers to the Indian word "MA-TE-HUA-LLAL" was the rallying cry of the savage Indians of the region and meant not to come!. In the year 1778 given the category of Villa, and finally in the year 1826 is called as a municipality.

Located in the northern part of the state, take Highway 57 towards Saltillo, the capital 193 km and 391 km Potosi Monterrey. Third largest state population and number of inhabitants. Nestled in the heart of the highlands of San Luis, in the shadow of Cerro Fraile, is an important commercial and mining, founded in 1590. The name is derived from the words, "Mate-hua-call" which means "Do not come," battle cry of the Chichimecas against the Spanish.

In the seventeenth century, Spanish settlers had established a farm which they called Matehuala. With time and the interest that produced the discovery of the nearby veins of metal, went to live Guadalcazar residents, running the eighteenth century.

The findings minerals in the surrounding mountains rise to the height of the city as it was here works transportation of metals. In 1871 he was awarded the title of city Matehuala.

Trade and exploitation of minerals and fiber sisal are the main economic activities of the population.

The city has the seal of the old villages with narrow streets, majestic mansions, squares and parks, which give a nice look. The activity center of the city's tree-lined main square, surrounded by imposing buildings of the nineteenth century, such as Los Arcos and the Temple of San Salvador

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