
Metzabok and Naha

Metzabok and Naha

As part of the Lacandon, the fauna is rich in species of all genera ocotera reptiles like snakes, the river nauyaca cincuate snake and mammals such as the flying squirrel, wild boar, bats, deer camp, coyote, jaguar, raccoon, ocelot, porcupine, tambourine, goat tiger and deer, birds like the harpy eagle, toucan and Toucanet, freshwater fish, amphibians and many others.

In fact, in the municipality are important natural areas such as biosphere reserve Lacan-Tun, the area of ​​protection of flora and fauna-Kin Chan, the natural monument Yaxchilan and Biosphere Reserve Montes Azules, which is part of Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (MBC), whose region was a sanctuary full of flora and fauna at the time of the great cultures of Mesoamerica, containing within it a large part of the area under Metzabok ecological conservation and wildlife Naha, sites before us on this occasion
Naha and Metzabok are communities born in the decade of the forties and are areas suitable for tourism speleological undoubtedly.

Interestingly say that the southern Lacandon, who live Lacanjá Chansaayab, are culturally different from the north, and Naha Metzabok because its indigenous inhabitants are the misnamed "Lacandones Caribbean, who have lived with the other groups Indians as Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojolobanes, Choles and Mames, among others. It is known that the original Lacandon, who inhabited the Chiapas jungle, became extinct in 1712 and currently called with that surname are actually Indians from the state of Campeche, related directly with the Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula and fully identified as Caribbean, which have nothing to do with genuine Lacandones who lived, many years ago in the Lacandon jungle immense.


Metzabok Naha and are located between the mountains of eastern state of Chiapas in the town of Ocosingo, bounded on the north by the municipality of Palenque, east and south by the Republic of Guatemala, the southwest and northwest Daisies with Chilo , Oxchuc, Altamirano and San Juan Cancuc, the archaeological site and its surroundings-protected area.

These areas, Naha and Metzabok, were constituted as protected areas for flora and fauna to contribute to the use and conservation of natural resources in the area. It was felt that although the area covered by the decrees is relatively small, areas of Naha and Metzabok have an extraordinary ecological importance for its lagoons, its biodiversity (among which include threatened or endangered species such as pheasant hoco , the harpy eagle, jaguar and quetzal, in addition to the residential area in two of the oldest and most traditional communities of the Lacandon

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