
Tehutli The volcano is located in the northeastern part of the Sierra de Ajusco-Chichinauhtzin.

Teuhtli: The Tehutli (Nahuatl: God)?, Also known as Teuctzin (lord) is an extinct volcano in the Hawaiian type shield-type training which means that its diameter is much greater than its height. It is located in South Federal District (Mexico), and reaches a height of 2710 meters, serving as a geographical limit of delegations Milpa Alta and Xochimilco Tláhuac.
Tehutli The volcano is located in the northeastern part of the Sierra de Ajusco-Chichinauhtzin. Divide the area of ​​Xochimilco Valley Milpa Alta, on its slopes are located Tecómitl towns like San Antonio and San Juan Ixtayopan (East), Santiago Tulyehualco (North-East), San Gregorio and San Luis Atlapulco Tlaxialtemalco (north) and Villa Milpa Upper (south)

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