
Evermann Volcano is a volcano on Socorro Island

Evermann volcano

Evermann Volcano is a volcano on Socorro Island and the highlight of the Archipelago of Revillagigedo, Colima, Mexico located in the Pacific Ocean.
Is geographically located between 18 ° 47 'N and 110 ° 57' W, has an altitude of 1130meters. Is active, erupted on January 29, 1993 and ended in February 1994.

so deep that forces the water to turn brown ink, an island write messages of smokefrom the mouth of the volcano's sulfur.
At the first hint of the naive fish, march against the sky clean winged squadrons offishermen.
That island, every day, hoisted their flag tricolor foam borders to travelers and whales.And twice a day plays very serious men to be children, bringing balloons.Radiosonde-explain-are exploring areas of high air to warn in time when the cycloneis approaching.
Here you feel the real Evermann volcano, with its 1.230 meters high and its craterincessantly Bufadora releasing dense sulphurous fumaroles

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