
best of san luis potosí

San Luis Potosi

San Luis Potosi is one of 31 states that together make up the Federal District of Mexico's 32 states.

Located on the north-central region of the country and occupies a wide area of central Mexico. Its official name is Free and Sovereign State of San Luis Potosi and its land area of 63, 068 km is the fifteenth largest state in Mexico.

It is located between 24 ° 22 'and 21 ° 07' north latitude and 98 ° 20 'and 102 ° 17' west longitude. Bordered on the north Nuevo Leon in northeastern Tamaulipas, Veracruz to the east, southeast with Hidalgo, Queretaro and Guanajuato south, west and southwest of Zacatecas Jalisco.

Political division

The state of San Luis Potosi has 58 municipalities, which are distributed in four main geographical areas: Huasteca Region, Middle Region, Central Region and Potosi Altiplano.


In pre-Hispanic times, the territory of what is now the State of San Luis Potosi was cultural border of Arid Regions and Mesoamerica allowing a great diversity of peoples and customs.

Huasteca area was inhabited by Mesoamerican peoples, peoples who shared hundreds of years ago the same culture as the Maya and possibly separated from them in the Preclassic when the Zapotec and Olmec were increasing their presence to the center and south of what today Veracruz. The Huasteca left traces of their presence in the numerous archaeological sites that today are still in the states of Tamaulipas, Hidalgo, Veracruz and San Luis Potosi. In the Huasteca region two sites are under investigation: Tamtok and comfort, both located in the municipality of Tamuín. During the Epi was invaded by the Huasteca Nahuatl cultures. Today is present Teenek and Huasteca Nahuatl.

The middle of San Luis Potosi was a populated area in pre-Hispanic times, the cultures pame and Otomi. These cultures, as in all border-shared ways of life of both regions. That is, shared by both the agricultural and sedentary way as nomadic hunter. They currently live in the middle pame cultures who call themselves xi'oi

In the highlands of San Luis, in the territory known as the Great Tunal chichimeca culture was developed (Zacatecas, Copuces, guamares, jonaces, Huachichiles, etc).These Indians chichimeca developed different cultural patterns to the Mesoamerican (distinguished by their sedentary lifestyle and interest in building towns and theocratic centers) spread this way of life throughout North America. The chichimeca were skilled hunters and warriors. The Postclassic Nahua tried to dominate (as they had done for many Mesoamerican territories) chichimecas land, without success. Hence the cultural hatred towards chichimeca culture and the emergence of the first speeches that accuse it chichimeca as "savage", "uneducated", "pagan", "inhuman", including "Caribbean." The Spanish at the time of the conquest will repeat the same speech for 50 years by maintaining an unsuccessful war: the "War Chichimeca"

The state of San Luis Potosi is rich in culture, heritage and history. Pamela Tribe is divided into two regions - North Pame, which includes the towns of Alaquines, Cardenas, Ciudad del Maiz, parts of Rio Verde, Tamasopo, and El Naranjo. Pamela South - comprising the municipalities of Rayon, Lagunillas, Santa Catarina, and parts of Tamasopo. These indigenous tribes speak the language Pame, but certain palablas change between North and Pame Pame South.

The largest concentration of Northern Pame Tribe is in the municipality of Alaquines.Within this tribe born Marcelino Martínez de León, daughter of Mrs. Severiana Martinez (an indigenous tribe Pamela), and a Spanish that was devoted to trade-Corona De Leon surname. The young Marcelina Martinez De Leon came to make the Princess of the Tribe Northern Pame, however, during the Mexican Revolution, she and her mother were taken to safe places to avoid death. Then he joined in marriage to the Mexican Army captain Paulino First Salazar Ceballos, who was originally from La Libertad "Colonia Agricultural and Military" town of Ciudad del Maiz, SLP


The "Town of San Luis Mesquitique" was founded on November 3, 1592 at the site in 1583 Fray Diego de la Magdalena had gathered about Indian guachichiles, which arrived in the territory of San Luis in the thirteenth century.

The name of San Luis is in honor of San Luis Rey de France, later the Viceroy Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva Duke of Alburquerque conceded that the Pueblo and Mines of Potosi was constituted a city status on May 30, 1656. Mesquitique Renaming the Potosi, referring to the wealth of the mines of Cerro de San Pedro compared with the mines of Potosi in Bolivia.

Also approved the Viceroy Fernández de la Cueva coat of arms: "From a hill on a blue field and gold two silver and two bars of gold and the image of San Luis in the summit." In addition, the city was given authority "... to make ordinances for its government ...". King Philip IV of Spain's royal charter August 17, 1658 gives the appropriate approval.

* San Luis Potosí has made great contributions to the history of Mexico, including the Presidents of the Republic Miguel Barragán and Mariano Arista.
* After the U.S. invasion was proposed to rename the entity to "San Luis de la Patria" because of the great contributions that local government did the Mexican army.
* In 1863 the city of San Luis Potosi was declared capital of the country by President Benito Juárez.
* On November 12, 1853, the Mexican government held a contest to write the lyrics of a hymn to the homeland of many compositions presented, won first place, written by the poet of San Luis, Francisco González Bocanegra.
* In 1910, Francisco I. Madero promulgating the Plan de San Luis, starting the Mexican Revolution.

The climate of San Luis Potosi is dry. The last time it snowed was on December 12, 1997.

According to the first available census on ethnicity (1921), the state was formed by Indigenous 30.6%, 61.89% 7.51% Mestizo and White, these amounts have changed now considering a higher percentage mestizo.


San Luis Potosí has an advantageous location in the Mexican territory because it is a compromise between the three cities of the country: Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara and from 4 major high ports: Tampico, Altamira, Manzanillo and Mazatlan . Besides its varied climates and allow it to be one of the few states where you can develop a significant business infrastructure.

The economic impact of state is due to several factors such as tourism, logistics industry and development that benefits producers and allows the rapid deployment of its products to almost anywhere in Mexico. However, this is just economic development in the state capital, which has caused a great migration to the suburbs to rural areas as well as other neighboring states such as Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, and mainly to the United States.

This state has been characterized in recent years for its highly developed (especially the capital city of San Luis Potosi), this is because the governors of the last six years have been able to worry about the growth of government giving himself to the task ofgrow the organization taking advantage of its geographical location. Today we have developed a large number of industrial parks that offer benefits to companies setting up in them, the policy applied to each park's arrival makes it attractive to industry.

Sites and attractions

Cave of Swallows
The Cave of Swallows is a natural gulf located in the town of Aquismón belonging to the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. In particular, it is a karstic cave formed by water erosion in an impermeable fault in a limestone plateau, and has the characteristic of having a well outside opening narrower than the bottom, giving it a generally conical.The depth of the chasm is about 376 meters. The top opening is at ground level and has a diameter close to 60 meters, while the background has a maximum aperture of 300 meters by 60 at its narrowest. This site also has the distinction of being a natural refuge for birds, and that contrary to what its name implies, they are not swallows.This apparent contradiction is that the species can be found in the Cave of Swallows, swifts are in fact (though not common swifts, Apus apus, as these are birds of the Old World), often confused with the real swallows. The cave is also possible to find a species of parrots (Aratinga holochlora), locally called Parrots of cave.

Las Pozas Xilitla

Cascada de El Salto

La Cascada de El Salto is located in the municipality of El Naranjo, 171.5 km E-NE of the state capital of San Luis Potosi, Mexico (22.34 N 99.22 W).

Cascada de Minas Viejas
La Cascada de Minas Viejas is located in the municipality of El Naranjo, in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico (22.22 N, 99.17 W).

In the city of San Luis Potosi, take Highway 80 (Tampico-Barra de Navidad), 273 km to El Naranjo, once there is around 16 km on the road to the driving, take the deviation towards Maitínez and Minas Viejas .

These are two waterfalls, 50 m high, surrounded by lush vegetation, forming a pond.Here you can camp and swim and visit the neighborhood where other waterfalls are located and the Patos lagoon, where you can fish.

Tamil Waterfall
Tamil Waterfall is a waterfall in Mexico about 105 meters high, falls on the River Tampaón which changes its name after the fall of water at Gallinas River, all located west of Aquismón in the region known as the Huasteca. Access is by road from San Luis Potosi, later taking a path to Tanchachín ejido in which you take a boat to go to the waterfall. The last part of the journey to the waterfall you can not do boat, you need to do on foot.

There are 2 suburbs from which you can take a boat to go to the waterfall. The boat ride lasts longer than 1 hour, in what can be observed across the river landscape. It is possible to rappel from other activities.

Real de Catorce

Real de Catorce is a mining and tourist population within the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
One of the major mining centers in San Luis Potosi Real de Minas de Nuestra Señora de la Limpia Concepcion de Guadalupe de los Alamos de Catorce, or better known as Real de Catorce, soon became one of the most important mining centers of the state . It is difficult to determine when it was discovered the first grain, but in 1772 was real or a mining town, it's up to August 11, 1777 when documents comes as the term of "fourteen".

Actually it was not until 1778 when they found the richest vein is well founded as the real, because in that year came a large number of miners in search of riches that the land offered. And that thought was not far from reality, as Real de Catorce was one of the richest mines of New Spain, in 1803 ranked second worldwide in the amount of silver produced.

Village life was spent in the midst of the feverish activity of the miners who tore into the bowels of the earth silver. When the mines stopped producing in the amount used, weak veins, we thought that the town would die and become a ghost town. However, something was not planned, kept alive the faith of the people, due mainly to the cult of San Francisco, whose seated statue is located in the sanctuary regularly target and nurtured thousands of fervent pilgrimages.

In 2001, Real de Catorce was included in the Magic Towns program of the Ministry of Tourism.

Cerro de San Pedro
The municipality is located in the center of the state. The coordinates of the municipal are: 100 º 48 'west longitude and 22 º 13' north latitude with a height of 2.040 mesnm.

Its boundaries are: north and west with Soledad de Graciano Sanchez, on the east Armadillo de los Infantes, on the south and San Luis Potosi Villa de Zaragoza.
In 1583, in the town of Mesquitique, Fray Diego de la Magdalena brought several Huachichiles natural. Among these was one called Cualiname or Gualiname, which called his attention to bringing in your face painting gold lines (embrijado, this mix was made with cinnabar, animal fat and traces of gold). The monk asked where he got that pigment. The natural made him understand that the east from its current location was a lot of that dust.

Fray Diego de la Magdalena reported his discovery to Fray Francisco Franco and this in turn tells the Captain Miguel Caldera, who took over the place.

Captain Miguel Caldera sent to prospect the place Gregorio de Leon, Juan de la Torre and Peter de Anda. The latter was named the place San Pedro del Potosí, in honor of the saint of his name and memory of the famous mines of Potosi in Upper Peru, now Bolivia (Potosi's name derives from the Quechua word, poc- to-si, which translates to immense wealth.)

On the hill and around found much gold and silver ore, but there was enough water to make profit. The closest water was to the north, a region still dominated by various tribes chichimecas in the area that later would settle the city of San Luis Potosi.

Historian Basalenque Primo Feliciano Velázquez and included lengthy descriptions of place in their relationships.

Crescent Lagoon
The Crescent Lake is a tourist site located in the municipality of Rio Verde San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Crescent's name is because the lake is shaped like a crescent. It is of great importance for tourism, archaeological and agricultural. Crescent is ideal swimming and diving, counting also has a large area for camping.

In the background you can see remains of two skeletons of mammoth and therefore outside the country is known as "Mammoth Lake", these remains (bones) has been preserved thanks to the lake is a volcanic crater and the water is sulphurous the average temperature is around 30 º C and is extremely crystalline, although the sediment is easily agitated. In Rio Verde there is also a good diving service.

Matehuala is a municipality from the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, founded on July 10, 1550. Its name refers to the battle cry of the Indians Huachichiles, originating in the region, it is presumed that meant some kind of threat or warning: "Do not come!". Professor Angel Veral cerritence call it The City of the Camelias.

In pre-Columbian times, Potosi Altiplano area was populated by indigenous Huachichiles guachichiles or that are known, were a nomadic people whose main economic activity was the collection, so it is characterized by being knowledgeable about herbs.

No wore dresses. Women fajaban the waist a deerskin. Painted their bodies with red ocher and other minerals, black and yellow, they got mine. Were shorn when they were in mourning. Did not bury their dead, but the burned and the ashes kept in a carrying Costalitos always. Fanning the ashes of their enemies.

In their prisoners they took away the hair, which hung on the back. Nerves used to tie them to their flint arrow and the bones of the taps to display as a trophy. Spared only boys and young women.

For the most part, their social organization was based on the nuclear family. They lived in small villages in the south and north, the prevailing tribal settlement is less stable. In general, the northern tribes were smaller than the south. Polygamy characterized the northern tribes and monogamy to the south, taking the wife more freedom than elsewhere. There was inter-tribal marriages as well intratribal

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