
the town of Tixkokob "place of snakes"

the territory that today is the town of Tixkokob "place of snakes", was part in pre-Hispanic times in the province of Ceh-Pech.Aún not been able to establish the precisedate of the founding of the town, but it is known which in 1549 was belonging toCaptain D. Commit Francisco de Montejo, (son).

This is the most remote data we have about the Yucatan población.DeclaradaIndependence and its subsequent annexation to the rest of Mexico, Tixkokob becomesthe party of the Coast, whose header was Izamal.

Tixkokob is located in the center of the Yucatan henequen zone, about 24 miles east ofMerida, capital of the state, halfway between it and Izamal. Communicates with thesecities by road.

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