
the town of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya is located in State of Oaxaca

the town of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya is located in the municipality of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya (State of Oaxaca). It has 2187 inhabitants. Tlacochahuaya is1580 meters above sea level.
Tlacochahuaya was established by the Zapotec Cochicahuala warrior "who fight in the night. " It was first delivered as instructed but then step hand of the Crown. The templeand monastery were built in the mid-sixteenth century by the Dominicans. His protector,Friar Jordan of Santa Catalina, thought of watching a house where the Dominicanscould keep the law for the sanctification of the soul.
This was due to its simple construction, a low-cell both gloomy, narrow, dark and secluded from the highway away from its worldly temptation (in imitation of the earlyChristian hermits who preferred to live in caves and cellars).

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