
The Tepozteco is an archaeological site located in the state of Morelos, Mexico.

The Tepozteco is an archaeological site located in Morelos, Mexico. Site located over 2,000 meters above sea level and 600 meters above the valley of Tepoztlan. This vestige built between 1.150 and 1.350 d. C. was devoted to Ometochtli-Tepoxtécatl, god of pulque, fertility and harvest. The pyramid known as the Casa del Tepozteco measures 9.50 meters in height and she found the idol Two Rabbits (Ometochtli representation) which was destruidp by the friars for evangelization.

Mexico's protected natural area, located south of Mexico City, in the town of Tepoztlan in the state of Morelos. Between 18 ° 53 '20 "and 19 ° 05' 30" N latitude and 99 ° 02 'and 99 ° 12' 55 "W longitude, covers an area of 24,000 hectares.

It was declared a national park on January 22, 1937.

The Tepozteco is an archaeological site located in the state of Morelos, Mexico. It is located over 2,000 meters above sea level and 600 meters above the valley of Tepoztlan. These remains were built between 1150 and 1350 AD


This center was built by exploiting a natural elevation of the land which was also accentuated by the human hand. Is basically a pyramid of two bodies with a grand staircase with balustrades on the west side. On their two bodies, a third building crowns the top, consists of two rooms, one after the other.

Opposite the main pyramid is a square platform with four steps  decorated.

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