
Paricutin volcano is the youngest volcano in the world and is in the state of Michoacán

Paricutin volcano is the youngest volcano in the world and is in the state of Michoacán, in the middle of the Meseta Purépecha just 35 kms from the city of Uruapan. Its elevation is 2,800 meters.

& NbUn short documentary about the youngest volcano in the Western Hemisphere: Volcano Paricutin and Know your history!

Many people come to visit the volcano is located about 200 miles west of Mexico. The city of Uruapan, located 20 miles south of the site is a good starting point to take a day trip to see the volcano and the lava fields surrounding. It's a good idea to stock up on supplies in this city, especially water. From this city on board a bus to the small town of Angahuan. This small outpost is the closest town to the site and this is where you can hire a guide for the day. This is highly recommended as the trails are not marked clearly. In addition, the option to travel on horseback is available as this adventure will have a full day, in any case (14 miles round trip). Angahuan offers cabins for rent and a small café on the premises. Be sure to wear sturdy shoes as the lava rock can be very slippery and dangerous.

Paricutin volcano now carries the honor of being named one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. It has the distinction of being the only volcano on the planet born in modern times. The volcanic eruptions are common occurrences, but the birth of an entirely new volcano is really rare.

One day in 1943, a farmer in a small town in central Mexico's Michoacan state set to plow his corn field. It looked like any ordinary Saturday, was the month of February and the skies were clear. The farmer, Dionisio Pulido, attended his corn crop when he heard low noises emanating from the earth. This in itself was nothing particularly new, in fact, the area where they lived, just outside the picturesque village of Paricutín, had been experiencing small tremors over the past 2 months.

Soon he realized that his life would change forever due to impending events that will soon be developed. Suddenly and without warning, much to the dismay of farmers, the earth began to open their eyes. A huge crack appeared in the floor right across from where I was. Instinctively, Dionisio Pulido tried to fill the hole with soil. This was in vain. Soon a terrible odor may melt from the crack in the floor, a smell that can only be described as rotten eggs.

This odor, which was actually increased sulfur fissure in the earth, presaged more events to come. Much to the dismay of farmers, smoke began billowing from the earth, rising vapors filled gray soot and ash. A terrible heat you could feel the increase in Earth's inner core and wisely, Dionisio Pulido fled. Incredibly, what the farmer unwittingly witnessed first hand was the birth of a new volcano. Exhausted from extraordinary events of the day and the sun quickly setting the western sky, Dionisio retired to his home for the night.

The next day, Denis, along with several others in the village, went out at dawn to examine the place. What they saw shocked and rightly both terrified. Rocks were wildly shooting into the sky, while the previously underground volcano cone broke through the surface and began to grow before your eyes. Lava began to arrive rapidly outside the cone of supplier and that was enough to convince the villagers to flee as fast and as far as possible. The whole corn field soon became its surface with molten rock continued to grow across the landscape.

View of the destruction

Two villages were buried by the volcano's lava and ash, and San Juan Parangaricutiro Paricutín. A striking example of the effects of the volcano can be seen in the photos of the church that was buried neck high in San Juan Parangaricutiro. The church tower can be seen today with the landscape forever and a severe disruption of acres to hectares of lava rock extending in all directions. Incredibly, there were no fatalities from the collapse of lava rocks or burns, although the lightning that accompanied the original event was charged with three deaths.

Former residents of two villages had to relocate with the memory of that fateful February day forever etched in their memories. What he witnessed was extraordinary, what they had seen with his own eyes was the birth of a volcano. The cinder cone volcano ultimately reached its maximum height of 1,391 feet, where it is today. Fortunately, the type of volcano that occurred in Paricutín is classified as monogenetic, which means you will never erupt again. In 1952 all activity ceased and is now considered a dormant volcano.


CP. 60202
Paricutin, Michoacán



 Paricutín 1946 Erupción

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