
tula hidalgo Atlantean: One of the main attractions of Tula is the famous Atlantis 4.8 m in height

In the state of Hidalgo

Hidalgo is one of the states of Mexico which contains a wealth of attractions within its territory, impressive archaeological sites as Tula, through colonial-era buildings such as San Miguel Regla, to traditional mining towns as its capital Pachuca , not to mention its rugged terrain, which has provided him with places in which to enjoy nature, as in the national park El Chico.

Up her face 84 municipalities, among which Pachuca, Meztitlán, Tula de Allende, Zimapan Tizayuca, Mineral del Chico, Tlahuelilpan, Mineral del Monte, Huasca de Ocampo, Huejutla, Molango, Tulancingo, and Ajacuba Actopan, to name a few .

A Hidalgo, three mountain ranges surrounding it, including the Sierra Madre Oriental and rivers Amajac, Meztitlán and Moctezuma, resulting in some parts of the terrain becomes rough, a quality that many fans have taken advantage Adventure Tourism for sports such as rappelling, camping, climbing, fishing and hunting, or to soar to the heights through the use of gliders, ultralights and balloons.
Some legends tell that the Toltecs (in Nahuatl means "master builders") after mysteriously leaving the city of Teotihuacán, built a small-scale replica of what would become his new capital, around the year 800 AD C. Its founder was Quetzatcóalt, whom they described as a man legends "white and bearded." In this city named Tollan (instead of many neighborhoods), and for many years was the main focus of civilization in Mesoamerica, reigning dynasty of kings, priests, the descendants of the god Quetzalcoatl. For many researchers Tollan was a mythical city, more akin to fantasy than reality. It was not until the late nineteenth century that it came to be discovered in a place now called Tula, near Mexico City DF (About 80 kms) and the former Teotihuacan (about 65 kms).

Another of the most confusing aspects of the experts is to identify facial features and its inclusion in any racial group, which so far has not been achieved. Warriors, gods, kings, idols, etc, are some of the adjectives that have been used to identify the "Atlantis", which show anatomical differences in their faces despite maintaining the same expression, which gives them a unique personality each of them.

The Toltecs were a people of artists, wise and learned, but very pragmatic and austere, which also helped them to develop the art of war and may well build an empire. Their warriors were feared by their enemies, and its weapons included the presence of a pitcher slightly curved at the tip of darts or arrows known as the "atl-atl." In all representations where found so far appear Toltec warriors wielding and drove with her left hand these artifacts of war.

In the giants or "Atlantic" Tula experts have also identified the presence of "atl-atl," so that these giants would be officially representing a group of mythical warriors. However, if you look closely this theory, no ends to fit. In his right hand each carries a strange object Atlantis and left another object that has been described as arrows. As mentioned above is known that the Toltecs used "atl-atl" with his left hand and not to the right as do the "Atlantis" and carrying arrows in his right hand can be difficult because they are curves.

One of the main attractions of Tula is the famous Atlantis 4.8 m in height, each carved in basaltic stone, who guard the top of the Temple of Trahuizcalpantecutli or "Star of Tomorrow."
It is said that these giants sostubieron the roof of the temple dedicated to Quetzalcoatl, so it is believed that his army symbolizes Atlantis.
Another element that can be seen in Atlantis, is the shield on the chest with a mythical symbol as the figure of Quetzalcoatl had two ways of manifesting: the feathered serpent and butterfly Papalotl.

Ball game:
Surrounding the square were three ball games where meetings were held ritual and sacred nature.
The construction that can be seen currently at large demension and have a great game like Chichen Itza.
The archaeological site and museum can be visited from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm.
Phone Archeological Zone is 73 20 705.

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