
surfing at la ticla, michoacan

Drive from Colima-Micoacán, once you go through San Juan de Alima
(About 203 km road marker) is a sequence
beautiful beaches. One of the best known is El Faro, which is a
protected bay and safe for swimming Just before arriving in El Faro, there
an extensive beach of La Ticla (at km 182), which is now reinventing itself
thank the community itself as a center for surfing and eco-tourism.

The beach Ticla
Just 2 kms along the Ticla is the small town of
Ixtapilla, where the Indians have created a very successful project for
marine turtle conservation. In 1994, it is estimated that only 300
turtles arrived. Concerned about the lack of numbers, mounted
guard at the beach, and began working to preserve the turtle. The
Last year, 2008, it was estimated that 300,000 female turtles come to lay
their eggs.

The Ticla produces useful for surfing waves almost every day, picking
virtually any waves. The waves crash on the pavement in
Ostula River mouth. Termination rights to the south,
left and enter a small bay north. Directly opposite
the mouth of the river are a series of unprecedented images
in both directions.

Because of their consistency, The Ticla is visited by surfers for
throughout the year and can become very tight. However, there are plenty
of days (and hours) when you can get to surf alone.

Even when it is "flat", The Ticla produce smaller waves
only on the front of the wind waves. There are many days that I have
surfed 2-3 foot with only a few people out (because the
Most were "more than" after several days of surfing waves
solid the week before). But if you think that is the
least as good as the rest at home, relatively little
crowded and hot, you can not win.

Surfers tips: The best time to go is likely to
early fall / winter, with November and December are good
months (although I and several friends have taken it at least once every
months of the year). Not necessarily bigger, but offers
end of season November and December in the south began to show
west-northwest path to the north-well groomed and fun. This
also is definitely the busiest time of year.

Directions: Highway 200 (km 183) between San Juan de Lima and Farro Him
After Ostula River bridge on the right and follow along
road to the city. If you miss the first turn there is another
further down the road with a big sign "The Ticla."

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