
Edzná is a Mayan archaeological site in northern Mexican state of Campeche.

Edzná is a Mayan archaeological site in northern Mexican state of Campeche.

The most notable building in the plaza is the main temple. Built on a platform 40 meters high, providing a broad overview of the environment. Edzná was already inhabited in 400 BC and was abandoned around 1500 AD. In the Late Classic period Edzná was part of the political organization of Calakmul.

The site is open to visitors.

The erratic distribution of rains and floods in various parts of the valley took to build a large hydraulic system consists of an extensive network of canals, reservoirs, ponds and numerous chultunes or underground reservoirs that allowed, at a time, store and convey water Rain and discard the excess.

The earliest evidence of human presence in Edzná are fragments of pottery dating from 400 BC A modest farming community was transformed over time, in a more complex and better organized. This allowed the construction of monumental works as a hydraulic system of thirteen large channels, 31 and 84 additional tanks that captured rainfall, allowing them to use water for drinking, irrigation and property maintenance. Other major works are architectural complexes that characterize the site.

Getting there

Edzná is located 61 kilometers southeast of the city of Campeche. Mexico City to the archaeological site of Edzná is a road distance of 1 135 kilometers, which are traversed in a time of 15 hours and 10 minutes or so.

To arrive by plane at this archaeological site, starting from Mexico City, you must go to the city of Campeche on a flight takes 1 hour and 35 minutes nonstop. Once in Campeche is to board a bus to Edzná, a distance of 61 kilometers.


You can request a tour guide during your tour of the archeological zone.

Edzná relatively near archaeological areas exist as Hochob, Tabasqueños and Hopelchén.

In the city of Campeche you can visit places like the bastion of Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, the Gate of Earth, the Museum of the Stones, the bastion of Santiago, the Baluarte de San Francisco, the Baluarte de San Juan, San Bastion Carlos, Plaza de la Independencia, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, the Carvajal Mansion, the Institute of Campeche, the Barrio de Guadalupe, the Museo Regional de Campeche, among many other places.

Worth trying out the dishes and snacks offered in this city. A typical menu includes hearty food made with seafood such as fish and seafood, rice with shrimp, salsa verde pompano, red snapper in banana leaves, and one of the most famous dishes of Campeche, the bread of dogfish, to name just few.

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