
palenque mayan ruins Located northwest of the state of Chiapas,

Located northwest of the state of Chiapas, about 290 km
Tuxtla Gutierrez City and 220 kilometers from San Cristobal de las Casas
Palenque is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world
Maya, a destination that simply must not miss during
next trip to southern Mexico.
Nestled in the heart of a tropical jungle, with a
average annual temperature of 26 ° C, with torrential rains during the
summer, Palenque offers its visitors the amazing picture of your
explored temples and buildings from the S. XIX, and dating from the period
Classic (400-700 A.D.). Among its most important buildings
Highlights: The Palace, which is distinguished by its large tower which protrudes
the rest of the building, the Temple of the Sun, Cross and Cross
Foliated, surrounding the Plaza del Sol and the mysterious Temple of the
Registration, which was discovered in 1952, the tomb? With
beautifully carved sarcophagus, and the grave goods of King Pakal, former
City ruling ordered construction of this building so that,
his death, he worked as his sacred tomb.
Around the ruins, lush vegetation,
you can go trekking and enjoy the flora and fauna, while exploring
more than 1.700 ha. comprising the Palenque National Park, where
inhabit different types of birds and mammals such as jaguars and monkeys
A 6 km east of the archaeological site and National Park,
Palenque's population located, with all services
lodging, restaurants, shops and markets where you can buy everything
sorts of crafts and tasting the exquisite dishes of
Chiapas. Not far from there you can explore the waterfalls of Agua Azul
Misol-Ha, stunning natural attractions, where you can practice
camping and see landscapes that formerly could only be admired
by Maya rulers.

Route around Palenque. It begins in the population
Palenque, where you can eat in any of the restaurants on
the downtown area, then take Highway No.. 199, due to
San Cristobal de las Casas, which will take you to the National Park
Cascadas de Agua Azul, located 55 km from Palenque, where you can admire
one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the country, formed by the slopes
Tulijá River. Here you can enjoy the walk to observe the flora and
fauna. Below 60 km may reach Ocosingo, where you can
take the road that leads to the archaeological site of Tonina old
Mayan capital, where you can admire the remains of temples and palaces
are connected by passages and tunnels, among its main
attractions include: a stucco mural called "Of the Four Ages
or Suns "and the Temple of the Earth Monster, which seems to devour a
stone sphere representing the sun.
The route ends in the picturesque town of San Cristobal de las Casas
located 207 km from Palenque along the road no. 199, there
may find the Cathedral, within which are preserved interesting
pieces of Baroque art and explore its cobbled streets and
neighborhoods decorated by old colonial buildings, where you can
buy all kinds of crafts: beautiful embroideries, shawls, skirts and
vests, and other textiles.
Archaeological route by around Palenque. The tour begins in the
center of the town of Palenque, and then from there, take the highway No..
307 due to the extreme southeastern state of Chiapas, to know,
first 147 km of Palenque, Bonampak Archaeological zone, where
Admire the wonderful frescoes that decorate the
Interior of Building 1, which recount battle scenes mysterious
and celebration among the ancient Maya. Below 64 km may
reach the town of Frontera Corozal, on the banks of the Usumacinta River
which is the border between Mexico and Guatemala, for there, take a boat
that upstream will take you to the archaeological site of Yaxchilan
surprisingly Mayan ceremonial center, where you can discover
many temples and buildings hidden in the jungle. From the
top of Structure 33 can admire the stunning scenery of the jungle
Chiapas in all its glory. To make this route do not forget
accompanied with a guide, whose services may contract
from Palenque or in each of these archaeological sites, who
help to recognize the most important buildings of these ancient
Maya capital.

Comprised of over 200 architectural structures, different
size and complexity, adapted to the topography, Palenque
undoubtedly one of the principal cities of the Maya inherited
humanity. The site offers a wealth of archaeological remains
and beautiful sculptures of the "Classic Period" (400-700 AD).
Among its most important buildings are:
Temple of the Inscriptions. It is the third building located next to
east of the entrance, is named after the big boards
hieroglyphic inscriptions, located in the entrance corridor to
temple, telling the story of King Pakal, their ancestors and
kinship with the ancient Mayan gods. In 1952, archaeologist Alberto
Ross released a stairway leading to a chamber where they were
found the remains of Pakal and funerary equipment.

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